Afternoons for Wednesday 14 July 2021
Critter of the Week t-shirts Photo: Liminal/RNZ
Our Critter of the Week t-shirts are back! Click here to order!
1.12 First Song:
1:17 East Coast barging facility opposed by local hapu
Opposition continues to build against a proposal for a port or barging facility on the East Coast.
As Local Democracy Reporter Alice Angeloni writes, the East Cape hapu Te Whanau a Hinerupe is maintaining its "total opposition" to the project and plans to hikoi in protest.
Environmental researcher and hapu member, Tina Ngata, talks to Jesse about the backstory of their opposition and their planned hikoi.
Photo: LDR / Supplied
1.27 Physics Professor becomes the first woman to win Dan Walls Medal
A University of Canterbury Professor has become the first woman to win a prestigious NZ physics award.
Physics Professor Jenni Adams was presented with the 2021 Dan Walls Medal, the top award of the New Zealand Institute of Physics, at a ceremony in Wellington last night.
She talks to Jesse about the work she’s done that's earned her the prestigious award.
New Zealand Institute of Physics Dr Natalie Plank presents University of Canterbury Physics Professor Jenni Adams (left) with the 2021 Dan Walls medal at a ceremony in Wellington. Photo: supplied (UC)
1:35 Surrey Hotel writers residency winners announced
It's become an annual literary tradition here at Afternoons.
Steve Braunias returns to announce the winners of the Surrey Hotel-Newsroom writers residency award, where winners get a week staying at Grey Lynn's mock-tudor Surrey Hotel, including a Sunday roast!
The Surrey Hotel in Greylynn - built in the Tudor age (1989) Photo: Supplied
1.45 A look at this year's Emmy Nominations
The TV Editor at The Spinoff, Sam Brooks, has a chat to Jesse about the nominations for this year's Emmy Awards. He talks about the streaming services coming out on top ahead of traditional television networks and who he thinks will take home the big awards later this year.
Photo: AFP
1:55 Afternoons Quiz Robert Kelly
RNZ producer and onetime bookseller Robert Kelly presents his weekly quiz.
2.12 Podcast Critic: Molly Jones
Today Molly gives her verdict on two podcasts she's been listening to. She talks to Jesse about Wheel of Misfortune from the BBC which involves people sharing their funniest most embarrassing stories. She's also been listening to Good Mourning a podcast intended to provide comfort for others who've experienced loss.
Photo: supplied
2:25 Bookmarks with Becky Kuek
Our bookmarks guest on Wednesday is writer, actor and director Becky Kuek. She is the creative force behind New Zealand's first Asian-led animated series, Tales of Nai Nai, now in its second season and streaming on TVNZ On Demand.
Photo: Supplied
Photo: supplied
3:10 The struggle to make choices about our own bodies
Our lives, every experience good or bad, is written in every cell of our bodies. It's powerful and yet vulnerable at the same time says British writer and culture critic Olivia Laing. She looks at the long struggle to make choices about our own bodies from gay rights and sexual liberation to feminism and the civil rights movement in her new latest work, Everybody: A Book about Freedom.
3:35 Stories from Our Changing World
A group of researchers studying bird song explain to Claire Concannon how songbirds learn to sing, why female birdsong has been traditionally overlooked, and what they are doing to correct this.
Dianne Brunton, Wesley Webb and Michelle Roper on campus at Massey University Albany Photo: RNZ/Claire Concannon
3:45 The Panel with Zoe George and Jeremy Rookes