Afternoons for Tuesday 5 February 2019
1:10 Looking for Alaska perform live
We have pop folk duo Looking for Alaska in our Auckland studio to perform a new single, ahead of a new album which is due for release later this year.
Looking for Alaska Photo: S Travaglia2017
1:20 The laws of space - who will colonise Mars?
SpaceX has today successfully test fired a rocket which could take humans to Mars. We're not there yet but the day we set foot on the Red Planet is inching closer, and private companies have it in their sights.
So what happens when the Elon Musk's of the world start colonising Mars? Can they? These are the questions Dr Anna Marie Brennan is posing.
Dr Brennan, from University of Waikato's Te Piringa Faculty of Law, is teaching the country's first university paper on space law and she's with me now to discuss what that means.
Mars Photo: 123RF
1:30 Bollard city
Photo: Andrew Choate
American photographer and performer Andrew Choate travels the world taking pictures of bollards and organising tours of his favourite ones.
He carried out tours in Dunedin in 2016 and is about to return to New Zealand to bring Wellington's bollards into the Spotlight. If you want to check out Andrew's work and his events in New Zealand, you can find them here.
1:40 Great album - Upstairs at Eric's by Yazoo
2:10 Book critic Lisa Glass
Lisa reviews the inaugural Rotorua Noir literary festival, including some big name authors and some local talent.
2:20 Loving Opera
Grant Morris tells us all about opera music - where it came from, how it differs from musicals - as well as his own operatic journey.
3:10 Reducing the number of mothers that die in childbirth
Every day, 830 women around the world die for one reason; having a baby. Our maternal mortality rate has improved over the years, about 9 out of every 100-thousand women die during childbirth or within 6 weeks of giving birth. We can do better and California is showing the way.
In 2006 the US had the worst maternal death rate in the developed world and California was one of the most dangerous places to have a baby in the states. Enter Dr Elliott Main, an OBGYN and Professor at Stanford University. He brought a team together to come up with a plan to saves lives, and now hospitals everywhere can access his playbook.
Photo: 123RF
3:30 BBC Witness
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel Waitangi special with Ella Henry and Mike Rehu