Afternoons for Wednesday 7 March 2018
Short Story Club
Our story for discussion on Thursday 8th March is A Good Dry-Cleaner is Worth a Story by Rajorshi Chakraborti.
The writer of the best email wins a copy of his novel, The Man Who Would Not See.
1:10 First song
1:15 Concerns over health impact of huge Mangere fire
80 firefighters have spent the past few hours battling a massive fire at South Auckland scrap metal yard. The chairperson of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board, Lydia Sosene says there are real concerns about the toxins and pollutants created by the fire.
Rain has coated #Favona & #MāngereEast with fallout fm industrial fire. Multi-agency meeting underway. NB:
— Christine O'Brien (@XineOB) March 6, 2018
1. keep away from Favona & ring area
2. if under smoke cloud, keep inside with windows shut
3. if u have breathing issues, sore eyes, etc, go 2 a doctor (v Peter Sykes)
The fire at the scrap yard. Photo: Supplied / Roger Callister
1:20 The Dawn Raids
Pauline Smith wants more people to know what happened during the Dawn Raids. Her family were involved in the raids and she has written a book called Dawn Raid to let more know why and how those involved feel about the immigration crackdown during the 70s and 80s.
Pauline has also curated an exhibition in collaboration with Southland Museum and Art Gallery called Dawn Raid - Educate to Liberate - Power to the People.
Pauline Smith Photo: Supplied
1:25 Refugee women learn to ride bikes
Most of us learn to ride a two wheeled bike as a kid - but for some refugee women learning to ride a bike was never an option, for cultural or financial reasons.
Tomorrow to mark International Women's day, groups of refugee and migrant women in Auckland, Wellington and Palmerston North are gathering to learn to ride bikes
The event, which started last year is organised by the Changemakers Refugee Forum & Massey University's Centre for Defence and Security Studies.
1:35 A new compost-rat trap invention
Hannah Smith was sick of rats getting into her compost. Now she's trying to entice them.
Introducting the urbin composter! Hannah explains how she used an upcycled washing machine drum with some plywood to build her combination rat-trap compost bin.
1:40 Great album
2:20 Bookmarks with cartoonist Sharon Murdoch
Sharon Murdoch with her dog, Iris Photo: Supplied
Sharon Murdoch is a political cartoonist for Stuff and we're lucky to have her on for Bookmarks this week.
She talks to Jesse about what led her to becoming a political cartoonist, her process of thinking up and drawing an idea and she shares some of her favourite songs, TV shows, books and more.
Photo: supplied
3:10 The benefits of a bad childhood
It feels like children have to grow up so much faster than the generations that have come before them. Kids are dealing with bullying, divorce, domestic violence with rising levels of depression and anxiety.
But good things can come out of a bad childhood according to Dr Meg Jay a Professor and clinical psychologist.
She shares what it takes for kids to overcome a rough start in her book, Supernormal: The Untold Story of Adversity and Resilience
3:35 Science and environment stories
Stories from Our Changing World.
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel is hosted by Megan Whelan today, she is joined by Holly Walker and Scott Campbell