Afternoons for Friday 22 December 2017
1:10 First song
1:15 Auckland Dentists seeing to people in need
A group of Auckland's dentists and the Auckland City Mission are going to chuck more than $30,000 towards giving free dental treatment to those who can't afford it.
The city mission and doctors will work together to identify those most in need for things like fillings, pain relief, extractions, general cleans and root canals. The Smile for Christmas campaign is spearheaded by a group of Auckland dentists.
The campaign is giving $5 towards the campaign for every like on its Facebook page. It is pledged to donate at least $30,000 worth of care regardless of the number of likes it gets.
Integral to the initiative is dentist Dr Jacky Lam and he talks to Jesse about what he and other dentists are trying to achieve.
A grumpy tooth Photo: Facebook
1:25 The empty seat at Christmas lunch
This time of the year can be really difficult as we remember those who we might have celebrated the holiday with this year, but that are no longer with us.
Nic Russell lost her daughter, Kenzie, just after Christmas in 2005. Nic went on to start Kenzie's Gift - a charity that works to improve the emotional well-being and mental health of everyone affected by serious illness or bereavement.
Conor (son), Nic Russell and Kenzie Photo: Supplied
1:35 The renaissance of table top role-playing games
Game developer Morgan Davie joins Jesse to talk about the world of tabletop RPGs or role-playing games.
RPGs are often associated with video games, but some are saying the table top versions like that of Dungeon and Dragons where friends meet up to play are having a bit of a comeback after their fame in the 1980s.
We decided to get Morgan on following a great story by Susan Strongman over at The Wireless.
Dungeons and Dragons Photo: Wikipedia
1:40 Great album
2:10 NZ Live Christmas Special
To mark our final show of 2017 we have a very special New Zealand Live, featuring three bands
In Christchurch we have The Goldonies
In Wellington we have The Frank Burkitt Band
and in Auckland Albi and The Wolves
3:10 Food with Al Brown
Al Brown shares a recipe for roasted snapper wings with ranch dressing
Spiced roasted snapper wings with ranch dressing Photo: Josh Griggs
3:20 Critter of the Week
DoC's threatened species ambassador, Nicola Toki gives us an update on some of the native species featured during the year.
3:30 The Panel Christmas Special