Afternoons for Wednesday 19 July 2017
Afternoons is being hosted by Megan Whelan this week
Photo: RNZ
This week's story is John Summers' non-fiction short story 'Real Life'
Read it before Thursday at 3pm, and email us your thoughts
The best emailer wins a copy of John Summer's novel, Mermaid Boy.
1:10 First song
1:15 America's Cup Auckland Bound
The America's Cup defender Team New Zealand says it's looking at early 2021 to stage the next regatta in Auckland. RNZ's Auckland Correspondent, Todd Niall, has been following the whole event.
Peter Burling at the helm as Team New Zealand race to victory over Artemis. America's Cup Bermuda 2017. Photo: ACEA 2017 / Gilles Martin-Raget
1:20 English composer's manuscripts discovered in Tauranga
Lost manuscripts by English composer Gustav Holst have been discovered in Tauranga. The English composer's original manuscripts, from 1906, are handwritten and signed by the great composer. Music director of the Bay Of Plenty Symphonia, Justus Rozemond, was there when the discovery was made. And orchestra member, Bronya Dean, has been working to research the documents.
1:30 How to cope with booming tourism
The government forecasts visitor numbers in New Zealand will hit nearly five million, by the year 2023. But are we set up to cope with the influx of visitors, in terms of infrastructure, and how can we get the most out of our tourism industry? Auckland Airport chief executive, Adrian Littlewood, was one of four tourism leaders who commissioned a major study into New Zealand's tourism infrastructure needs and funding options, known as the McKinsey report. Adrian is speaking at the New Zealand Hotel Industry Conference.
New Zealand's booming tourism industry. Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly
1:40 Sound Archives
Another wintry blast is bearing down on the country, with snow and gale force winds predicted for later in the week. So, we are escaping back to the tropical South Pacific of the 1950s, with a visit to the sound archives of Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision with Sarah Johnston.
Photo: wikipedia
1:45 Great Album: Dido, No Angel
No Angel is the debut studio album by British singer-songwriter Dido. Originally released in June 1999 in the US, the album found a mass audience when it was released worldwide in February 2001.
It reached #1 in the NZ Album charts and has sold more than 22 million copies worldwide.
Photo: Supplied/Karen Healey
2:20 Bookmarks with Karen Healey
Our Bookmarks guest this afternoon is on of the University of Canterbury Ursula Bethell Writers in Residence for 2017.
Christchurch author Karen Healey writes books and short stories about smart girls with tough problems and angry boys with secrets. She's the award-winning author of Guardian of the Dead, The Shattering, When We Wake, and While We Run. She also appears in the geek podcast The Nerd Degree, teaches high school English, and volunteers for the Green Party.
3:10 Being Socially Awkward
Just being honest, everyone has experienced one of those awkward moments at a party, unsure what to do in a social situation. Psychologist Ty Tashiro explains what's happening in those cringe-worthy moments in his book,
Awkward: The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome
3:35 Are We There Yet?
In this week's episode of her parenting podcast, Are We There Yet, Katy Gosset talks to families about fussy eating.
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Finlay MacDonald and Lisa Scott