Afternoons for Monday 21 November 2016
1:10 First song
1:15 Salvation Army Calls for Help
The Salvation Army has launched its Christmas Appeal today, and says it needs more help than ever. It's expecting to help 17,000 families and individuals in urgent need this year. Salvation Army head of social services Major Pam Waugh explains.
The Salvation Army has launched its Christmas Appeal today, and says it needs more help than ever. Photo: RNZ / Tom Furley
1:25 The Benefits of Profanity
Victoria University researchers, Emma Wollum has been investigating our use of profanity, how it is changed, and what is says about us.
Malcolm Tucker cornering a colleague, in the TV show, The Thick of It Photo: BBC
1:35 Ditch Magazines for Health Advice: Study Says
Most people know the dangers of 'Doctor Google' for health advice. But what messages are our health magazines giving us, and do we even realise what we're being told? Dr Amanda Wilson is a senior lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Newcastle. And she's just completed a study, looking at Australian lifestyle magazines, to see what sort of information they are giving their readers.
Magazines Photo: wikipedia
1:40 Favourite album: Songs of a Young Country
2:10 Television Critic: Linda Burgess
Lynda talks about the difficulty in bringing back old TV shows. Should "Cold Feet (One – Thursday 8.30ish) have taken a leaf out of the Fawlty Towers book and remain a wonderful memory?
Also, The Durrells and other autobiographical dramas
2:20 Black Sheep
In This episode of Black Sheep, William Ray does things a little bit differently. Instead of looking at the history of a villainous individual in New Zealand history he takes a look at the history of a really bad idea... Eugenics
cello Photo: Wikimedia commons
2:30 Celebrating the Cello
Our expert guest today is the head of music at Auckland University, Martin Rummel, who is a cello expert
He will talk about this unique instrument and its history, and play us what he considers to be some of the most beautiful cello music ever written
3:10 Astronaut, Dan Barry
Dan Barry is a former NASA astronaut and a veteran of three space flights, four spacewalks and two trips to the International Space Station. He retired from NASA in 2005 and started his own company, Denbar Robotics, that creates robotic assistants and devices for people with disabilities.
3:35 Voices
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show
Music played in this show
1:00pm - 4:00pm
1:10pm - JESSE'S SONG :
ARTIST: Miles Calder & The Rumours
TITLE: Under An Endless Sky
COMP: Miles Calder
ALBUM: Miles Calder & The Rumours
LIVE: RNZ Wellington
ARTIST: Barbie and Neil Colquhoun
TITLE: Altered Days
COMP: Neil Colquhoun
ALBUM: Song of A Young Country
LABEL: Kiwi Pacific
ARTIST: Barbie and Neil Colquhoun
TITLE: Kooti E Ha
COMP: Barbie, Neil, Megan & Simon Colquhoun
ALBUM: Song of A Young Country
LABEL: Kiwi Pacific
ARTIST: Tamburlaine
TITLE: Murders Rock
COMP: Simon Morris, Steve Robinson, Rob Winch, Mark Hansen
ALBUM: Song of A Young Country
LABEL: Kiwi Pacific
ARTIST: Neil Colquhoun
TITLE: Talking Swag
COMP: Neil Colquhoun
ALBUM: Song of A Young Country
LABEL: Kiwi Pacific
4:30pm - THE PANEL:
ARTIST: Five for Fighting
TITLE: What If
COMP: Vladimir John Ondrasik III
ALBUM: Bookmarks
LABEL: Wind-up