1:10  Best Song Ever Written: Sonja Barker from Hokitika nominated 'Blue Bayou' by Linda Ronstadt.

1:20  Music Trivia Game

ARTIST:   Mika
TITLE:     Grace Kelly
COMP:    Mika, Jodi Marr, John Merchant, Dan Warner
ALBUM:   Life In Cartoon Motion
LABEL:    Casablanca 723781
ARTIST:  Eric Carmen
TITLE:     All By Myself
COMP:    Eric Carmen
ALBUM:   The Greatest Love of All
LABEL:    Old Gold 233205

ARTIST:    Manfred Mann's Earthband
TITLE:      Joybringer
COMP:    Gustav Holst, Manfred Mann, Mick Rogers, Chris Slade
ALBUM:    World of Mann
LABEL:    Universal 983916

ARTIST:    Vitamin C
TITLE:       Graduation (Friends Forever)
COMP:    Colleen Fitzpatrick, Josh Deuts
ALBUM:    Barbie Slumber party Mix
LABEL:    Shock 561043
ARTIST:   The Move
TITLE:     Night of Fear
COMP:    Roy Wood
ALBUM:   The Move; The Complete Singles Collection and More
LABEL:    Crimson 780233

ARTIST:    The Toys
TITLE:       A Lover's Concerto
COMP:     Sandy Linzer, Denny Randell
ALBUM:    Hard To Find 45's On CD  
LABEL:     Eric 311509

ARTIST:    Cat Stevens
TITLE:       Morning Has Broken
COMP:     Eleanor Farjeon, Cat Stevens
ALBUM:    The Very Best of cat Stevens
LABEL:     Island 840 148

ARTIST:    Scott Fitzgerald & Yvonne Keeley
TITLE:       If I Had Words
COMP:     Jonathan Hodge, Saint-Saens
ALBUM:    One Hit Wonders
LABEL:    EMI 520204

ANSWER: All based or borrowed heavily on classical music:

2:10  The 747 Question - Grant Benns: It was one of the questions of the day ..can a 747 perform a loop the loop?
It came up during our chat with Steve McCabe yesterday ..during a conversation about interesting science websites.
That 747 question prompted many other questions and comments from you, including whether helicopters could perform the manoeuvre. Clearly these are matters an expert needs to deal with .. so, Simon talks with a current Air New Zealand pilot who also happens to be president of the New Zealand Aerobatic Club?

2:20  Breaking News followup : Simon Mercep goes live to Brent Edwards at the Press Gallery on the breaking news story that  Labour Party leader, David Cunliffe wrote to the Immigration Service in 2003 on behalf of businessman Donghua Liu.

2:30  NZ Reading: Part 3 of our five part reading of Still Alive, by Panni Thomas and Pauline Cartwright, the true story of Panni's life as a refugee from Cambodia.
Crossing the Mekong by Hekemian, tk 33 KOK 2195

2:45  Feature Album - Supernatural by Santana from 1999 - won nine Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year.
3:10  Online with Hamish MacEwan - his links:
Social media mass surveillance is permitted by law, says top UK official - reported in the Uk Newspoaper The Guardian online today
Apple praised for plan to undermine extensive system that secretly tracks customers
Google's Balloon Internet Experiment, One Year Later
Scientists have created a bionic pancreas that outperforms insulin pumps

3:30 The 1973 Mururoa Nuclear Testing Protest - Lisa Thompson: The story of Anna Horne, who in 1973, aged just 19, sailed to Mururoa to oppose French nuclear testing. But rather than seeing a bomb being detonated, she witnessed her skipper being beaten by French commandos.  Forty years later Anna recalls how the pictures she took of that event made headlines around the world.
The link: radionz.co.nz/eyewitness

3:45  What The World's Talking About  today with Zoe George: In the frustrating age of contradictory health advice we're not told "No, don't take aspirin to prevent strokes". And a turnaround too on how much exercise we need daily, especially in middle life. The fascinating justification from the British government of their internet snooping, China comes out against independence for Scotland, perfectly good potatoes going to waste in Britain because consumers don't like cutting them. People don't like the new tap & go cards either, as we know, but soon it'll be palm & go thanks to vein-scanning technology, and it may not be so easy after all to get rid of your fear of spiders.