1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Simon Albrecht of Nelson nominated Castles Made of Sand/Little Wing by Tuck and Pattie

1:25 Your Place - Tour guides: Rhondda Osmers, Gary Charteris and Willie Aspinall.

2:10 The 1948 Seddon Train Crash - Fred Burton: 66 years ago this week, a provincial newspaper saved Fred Burton's life.  Fred and a friend were travelling on the Picton to Christchurch express train on their way home to Dunedin after a holiday in Nelson.  This was February 25th, 1948. The train was going too fast on a curve near Seddon, at Blind River and crashed killing 6 people and injuring 63 others. Most of the dead and injured were in the front cars. Fred and his friend were in the fourth carriage.

The link:https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=seddon+train+crash+1948&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=XGkOU6LSIo3FkQX1xYCIDg&ved=0CFcQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=896

2:20 Jenny's Chutney - Jenny Stewart was on holiday in Fiji 14 years ago when she tried a bitter tasting tramarind for the first time. It would change her life. When she got back to her home on Waiheke Island, she decided to blend up a chutney in her kitchen with the exotic fruit for friends. They loved it so much, they convinced her to sell it at the local market.  And so at the age of 70 she started her own business,  Jenny's Kitchen. She now sells up to 400 jars of chutney a week to stockists nationwide. In 2012 Jenny's Chutney won the Cuisine Magazine Artisan Award.  
The link:https://www.facebook.com/JennysKitchenNZ

2:30 Reading - Today our reading begins a 2-part story from the South Island writer Owen Marshall. Jed Brophy reads 'Manhunt'. A junior officer in the territorials is co-opted into assisting the police in the  search for a killer on the run in the Kaimanawa Ranges.
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Laurence Juber: 'Scrambled Eggs' (Laurence Juber) Trk 54 on the CD Acoustic Underscores : Naked Guitar : Dramatic [ One Music  ACU 11 ]

2:45 Feature Album - Morning Phase - Beck (2014).

3:10  Arduino - Simon Morton discovers why ARDUINO is becoming so popular with digital tinkerers and the electronic DIY community.

3:20 City Cats and Native Wildlife - Alison Ballance - When city cats meet native wildlife there's only one winner, and two studies that have been running in Wellington over the summer are drawing attention to where domestic cats wander and what they're hunting on the way. Alison discovers how cameras are key components in both Victoria University's 'kittycam' project and the Enhancing the Halo's wandering cat study.

Stories from Our Changing World.

3:30  Spitting Image - Tom Esslemont - In February 1984 an outrageous satirical puppet show hit British television screens, lampooning politicians, the Royal Family and many other celebrities. Witness hears from one of its creators, Roger Law.

3:45 Pre Panel Show - Susan Baldacci
4:06 The Panel -  Another chat about where Labour's going with Matt McCarten on board. CV inflation, another case in the news, but should the one about the legal CEO have made the news at all? The return of hairiness in men. Beards are back in New York, beard transplants even, should we follow hirsute? Is remorse in court useful, and for that matter assurances to court-appointed pychiatrists that you won't be behaving criminally in future? The TVNZ troll examples that came back to bite them, and short questions about why the public shouldn't know about big pay rises they're paying for, or whether Auckland hospital's toilets are giving people tummy bugs.