Afternoons for Wednesday 26 June 2013
1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Sue Dunbar Davis from Pisa Moorings, Cromwell nominated Five Pennies, by Louis Armstrong and Danny Kaye.
1:20 Link 3:
Six Months In A Leaky Boat - Split Enz
Brandi - Looking Glass
Sloop John B - Beach Boys
Atlantic - Keane
In An Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
The Love Boat theme - Jack Jones
Submarine Bells - Chills
Thousands Are Sailing - Pogues
Sea Cruise - Frankie Ford
The Answer:Songs about the sea
2:10 Amelia Earhart - Matthew O'Sullivan
For decades, photos that may help solve the mystery about what happened to pioneer aviator Amelia Earhart sat in a tin box at the New Zealand Air Force Museum in Christchurch. The photos were taken in December 1938, 15 months after Earhart disappeared, as part of a New Zealand Pacific Airway Survey. The tin box described them as photos of an unnamed atoll.
Matthew O'Sullivan is the curator of photographs at the Museum. He wondered if the unnamed atoll could be the island where Rick Gillespie from The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (Tighar) believes Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan spent time as castaways before their death .
2:20 Moors Murderer Talks for the First Time - Former Yorkshire Police officer Glen Wood - For the first time in nearly 50 years, Moors Murderer Ian Brady has spoken publicly . Brady is 75 years old now. He and Myra Hindley tortured and murdered five children between July 1963 and October 1965. He says it was "recreational killing", and that he did it for the experience. Hindley died in prison more than a decade ago.
Brady has told a mental health tribunal he used "method acting" to be classed insane and now he's not mentally ill and he wants to be sent back to prison.
Glen Wood was just a young Yorkshire policeman back then. He and his fellow officers were given the awful task of searching the moors for the bodies of the young victims. He helped find two of them.
You never get over something like that he says. He decided to leave England and immigrated to Australia in 1972.
2:30 Reading - Part three of Joe Bennett's 'Hello Dubai' called 'From Creek to Souk'.
Joe learns about the history of the Emirate of Dubai, sees a hoopoe bird and meets a local Arab
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Dubai by Steve Everitt, tk 22 ATMOS208 - Palm Island
2:45 Feature Album - Songs in the Key of Life - Stevie Wonder (1976)
3:10 Virtual World - Hamish MacEwan - The stories:
The likely reaction to Big Brother - lots of little brothers.
Are peeping Toms spying on you through your computer
3:30 Sustainability Street - Lisa Thompson - How is the Australian 'Sustainability Street' initiative helping to turn strangers into neighbours and streets into neighbourhoods in our largest city?
4:06 On the Panel today are Dita de Boni and Chris Wikaira. We'll be discussing Labour's poor poll position and the shearer slump, we'll be asking why you aren't allowed to receive pokies money if you don't agree with pokies. the new phenomenon of digital dementia, our clapped-out cars, Julia Gillard's knitting, and the life outcomes for children not breast-fed. You may have seen this research reported today, but is it true, that if you're not breast-fed your chances of having a successful life are diminished?