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Pacific Waves for Monday 6 May 2019
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 6 May 2019
3:05 PM.PNG's prime minister under growing pressure to resign; Leading Fiji unionist says detention was overeaction and abnormal for a democracy; PhD student hopes his research will lead to more support and… Read more Audio
PNG's prime minister under growing pressure to resign
3:04 PM.The Papua New Guinea prime minister Peter O'Neill is under growing pressure to resign. Over the weekend, about two dozen MPs who've recently quit Mr O'Neill's People's National Congress party merged… Read more Audio
Fiji trade unionist arrest an "overreaction and abnormal"
3:03 PM.Fiji trade unionist Felix Anthony is back at work today after two nights in police cells last week ahead of planned worker protests. Audio
Dateline Pacific for 6 May 2019
5:06 AM.While the latest industrial strife in Fiji ended with unionists stopped from holding protests, the union movement will continue to push for the restoration of key rights; PhD student hopes his… Read more Audio
Fiji workers still hope to overturn limits on their rights
5:04 AM.While the latest industrial strife in Fiji ended with unionists stopped from holding protests, the union movement will continue to push for the restoration of key rights. Read more Audio
Fijian PhD student focuses on how climate change impacts SMEs
5:03 AM.PhD student hopes his research will lead to more support and protecttion for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (or SMEs) in Fiji against climate change disasters. Read more Audio
Mass paranoia in PNG over kidnappers harvesting organs
5:02 AM.Widespread fear of kidnappers harvesting organs in PNG may have been whipped up to foment civil unrest, a social commentator says. Read more Audio
Vanuatu's need to find more agricultural researchers
5:01 AM.Vanuatu needs more agricultural scientists to help improve the country's food security. Read more Audio
Cook Islands marine conservationist wins environmental prize
5:00 AM.Cook Islands marine conservationist wins prestigious global environmental prize. Read more Audio