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Pacific Waves for Thursday 8 November 2018
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 8 November 2018
3:06 PM.Fiji fisher people being ripped off by middlemen and exporters, according to a report; Tuvaluan policewoman leads multinational maritime exercise; A Norfolk Island economist says Canberra's rationale… Read more Audio
Fiji fisherpeople ripped off - report
3:05 PM.A new report in Fiji has found local men and women who fish for a living are being ripped off by middlemen and exporters. Read more Audio
Tuvaluan policewoman leads multinational maritime exercise
3:04 PM.A senior constable from Tuvalu has become the first female Chief of Staff chosen to lead the latest operation to combat illegal fishing in the Pacific region. Read more Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 8 November 2018
5:06 AM.A Norfolk Island economist says Canberra's rationale for taking over the island was flawed; A new runway is expected to make a big difference for Rotuma; New Zealand's plans a review of its seasonal… Read more Audio
Australia parliamentary process on Norfolk called deeply flawed
5:04 AM.An economist on Norfolk Island says Canberra's direct take over of the island two years ago was based on faulty information. Read more Audio
Rotuma getting more plane seats at less cost
5:03 AM.People travelling to Rotuma in Fiji can now do so more frequently and at less cost thanks to a major upgrade of the airport runway there. Read more Audio
Sport: Gold medallist vows to never represent Fiji again
5:02 AM.Fiji's Commonwealth Games champion Eileen Cikamatana has vowed to never represent her country again after falling out with the country's weightlifting administation. Read more Audio