28 Aug 2014

Parents welcome draft kura report

8:35 am on 28 August 2014

Parents who withdrew their tamariki from a Northland school at the beginning of the year are praising a report into issues surrounding the school's board of trustees election process.

Of the 85 tamariki attending Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Whangaroa, 42 were withdrawn, and their parents complained to the Ministry of Education about what they saw as irregularities in the previous year's board of trustees election process.

The Ministry of Education dissolved the board of trustees and appointed Larry Forbes as commissioner to review the election.

His draft report includes comments resulting from consultation with parents, staff, former members of the board and the wider kura community.

The parents' spokesperson, Garry Bramley, said the report was a welcome development.

He said it had been a long and emotional process since they became aware of problems linked to the board of trustees' election in December last year.

Mr Bramley said to get a report at this stage was a huge relief for all the parents who withdrew their tamariki.

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