Part 1: Making tasty sourdough bread at home
I like eating it, my family love it, but it’s expensive to buy and I want to know how to make it.
I started 2014 with the resolution to bake sourdough bread on a regular basis, and having got a wild starter going in my home, had a hit and miss experience producing edible bread. By February my starter had grown fur and turned greyish green – I had failed! It was time to get help, and after asking about on Twitter, a guardian sourdough angel, Neville Chun, offered a path out of my slough of supermarket sliced bread sadness.
Neville is a passionate baker who started baking sourdough 10 years ago and now bakes 100 loaves a week from his home bakery ‘Nev’s Kitchen’, a fully certified bakehouse.
The challenge I posed Neville is to teach me to make sourdough bread on a weekly basis from my home. The timing of the process has to fit into my life – I work five days a week and spend a day a week running about after kids playing sport or riding my bike. Neville reckons this is achievable, if I follow his simple guidelines.

Making sourdough with Simon Morton.
- Part 1: Making tasty sourdough bread at home
- Part 2: Getting started and making a sourdough starter
- Part 3: The science of sourdough
- Part 4: The pre-ferment
- Part 5: The prove & the bake
- Image gallery: Sourdough
Some excellent sourdough sites
- Susan's Wild Yeast Blog – she is a fantastic baker and her blog site is world-class.
- Northwest Sourdough
- The Fresh Loaf