
Neil Roach of The George Washington University has been studying the evolution of our ability to throw.

Northern sea route

Robin McKie is the science and technology editor for the Observer. He's one of many people charting the progress of a Chinese cargo ship sailing from Dalian to Rotterdam through the Arctic Sea via the Northern Sea Route. Could this be a new shipping lane for China's massive export market?

Iranian food

Minoo Officer and Lobat Parsi cook up two Iranian delicacies, fessenjoon and tachin.

Predictive policing

Technology writer and commentator Evgeny Morozov on predictive policing. It's a way to try to predict the crimes of the future using information and clever computer software.

Posties' eBikes

Posties could soon be zipping about on their rounds on electric bikes. With NZ Post cycle mechanic, Rod Bardsley.

Tech news: 4G and

Peter Griffin our technology correspondent has been testing out 4G. Also the project.