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The Panel for Tuesday 2 July 2019
Panellists Tuesday 2 July
12:00 PM.Wallace Chapman is joined by Fete Taito, former gang member, former prison inmate and recent BA graduate, and Paula Penfold, investigative journalist at Stuff Circuit .
Coming up
Story of the Day for 2 July 2019
3:46 PM.How to influence people - well at least how to win an argument, according to psychological research. Ali Ventura shares tips from an article in The Guardian. Read more Audio
I've been thinking for 2 July 2019
3:56 PM.What the Panellists Paula Penfold and Fete Taito have been thinking. Read more Audio
The Panel with Paula Penfold and Fete Taito (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Among the many changes in law that took place yesterday July 1st was changes to the Youth Justice system. As of yesterday the youth court will now consider offending by 17-year-olds. The Youth Court… Read more Audio
The Panel with Paula Penfold and Fete Taito (Part 2)
4:05 PM.It's a cold night and you've got a hearty stew on the stove, what could be better? Why do we turn to comforting, heavy dishes during the colder months - is it purely for warmth? Well research in The… Read more Audio
Youth court now dealing with 17 year olds
4:08 PM.Among the many changes in law that took place yesterday July 1st was changes to the Youth Justice system. As of yesterday the youth court will now consider offending by 17-year-olds. Read more Audio
Sports injuries surge for younger kids
4:15 PM.Sporting injuries for under-14s have surged. Since 2008 Injuries are up 60 percent in this age group, much higher growth than any other age. ACC believes it could be because young people are… Read more Audio
Should we introduce higher fines for texting and driving?
4:25 PM.New laws have been introduced in Queensland Australia, so drivers can now be fined a grand for using their phones while driving. If drivers are caught a second time they could lose their licence. Read more Audio
The psychology behind comfort food
4:31 PM.It's a cold night and you've got a hearty stew on the stove, what could be better? Why do we turn to comforting, heavy dishes during the colder months - is it purely for warmth? Read more Audio
Question of the Day for 2 July 2019
4:35 PM.What's your favourite comfort food to make this time of year? Read more Audio
Rude cafe - beat up or misunderstood?
4:36 PM.Police called into a Canterbury cafe, one that has been called New Zealand's rudest, to explain customer service to the owners. It has the lowest rating on trip advisor but is it all a beat up? Are… Read more Audio
Pacific youth and "social" gambling
4:41 PM.A new report from AUT University and the MOH has found that more than 1 in 3 Pacifica Youth reported gambling daily, making gambling as common as tobacco among some. Read more Audio
Woman with moko kauae refused entry
4:54 PM.A woman who was refused entry into a bar because of her moko kauae has been apologised to and asked to educate staff on the matter. Atawhai Tuki shared her story on social media. Read more Audio
Wealthy call for wealth tax
4:57 PM.Some of America's richest people are urging US presidential candidates to back a wealth tax on the super-rich to improve inequality and climate change. Read more Audio