Sunday, 15 July 2012
Haere taka mua, taka muri, Kaua e whai
Be a leader, not a follower
In Te Ahi Kaa, Justine Murray is at Waiwhetu Marae and learns more about a hangi experiment lead by Dr Gillian Turner to first, measure the temperature the stones reach whilst inside the pit, and secondly to measure the magnetization of the stones, once cooled. The experiment is part of a wider project to investigate the magnetic field in the South West Pacific Region over the past 10,000 years.
The experimental hangi at Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt. Bottom right: Dr Gillian Turner with the hangi stones from Mohaka, Taranaki, Otaki and Nelson used in the Hangi experiment.
Maraea Rakuraku visits Matatina Marae, Waipoua with Manos Nathan who explains the history and symbolism of the pou and artworks inside the whare tipuna (meeting house).
Ron Te Kawa has been making clothes and wall-hangings for 25 years, Justine talks to him about his unique designs that combine Māori kaupapa and pre-loved fabric.
Waiata featured: Hangi Tonight performed by Dennis Marsh from the album Out of New Zealand (2008); Hei Konei ra performed by Patea Māori Club from the album Patea Māori Club 25th Anniversary (2009)