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06 Hakihea (December) 2009

"Ko nga hau ki etahi ko nga kai ki orariki"
No Matter which way the wind blows, one can procure food from Waihora
This week's whakatauki was explained by Maani Stirling (Ngai Tahu)

Modern day marae are incorporating all sorts of things to meet the needs of their people and their surrounding communities but Ngati Moki-Taumutu Marae, south east of Christchurch seems to be taking that further. On one hand, the runanga office, staffed by Maani Stirling, Fiona Musson and Rose Nutira, deals with resource consent issues relevant to their local lake, Waihora (Ellesmere), and on the other, they're fielding questions from their hapu about the location of the marae lawn mower. Maraea Rakuraku tours Ngati Moki-Taumutu Marae.

Maani Stirling and Fiona Musson ouside their office, Ngati Moki - Taumutu Marae, Taumutu (September, 2009)

Fiona Musson andMaani Stirling ouside their office, Ngati Moki - Taumutu Marae, (September, 2009)

Ngati Moki - Taumutu Marae wharetupuna

Ngati Moki - Taumutu Marae wharetupuna

Mounds of old Pa site

Mounds of an old Pa site

The common thread binding the men inducted into the 2009 Te Aute Leaders First XV is the lifetime contribution they have made to Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākeha. Te Rore Rowley Habib Hapipi's pioneering work as a Māori writer in the 1960s and 1970s when there were none visibly apparent earned him his place - an honour by which he felt overwhelmed and humbled. He talks to Maraea Rakuraku, who got a little star struck when she met him.

The current Australian Idol Stan Walker is just one example of the 100,000 Māori who have uprooted themselves to Australia from Aotearoa in the search of better opportunity which is something that interests Te Arawa Nina Maika who has called Brisbane home for the past 13 years. So much so, she's on a mission to gather the stories of "Mozzies" - Māori Australians (Ozzies) and incorporate them into an art installation.

See art by Nina Maika in the Te Ahi Kaa gallery.


Manaia by Nina Maika. 2007. Manaia is a holder of great spiritual energy and is a guardian.