Summer Times for Wednesday 16 January 2019
9:05 Right to repair in NZ
Yesterday we had a chat to Libby Peake from the UK's Green Alliance about the Right to Repair Movement - a series of legislative proposals in Europe and the USA which would force manufacturers to make more easily-repaired and longer-lasting consumer products.
We got a heap of feedback on that story - so we thought we'd invite Consumer NZ onto the programme to talk a bit about consumer rights here, and whether New Zealand could use such legislation itself. We're joined now by Consumer NZ's head of research Jessica Wilson.
Photo: 123RF
9:20 Families on the Spectrum
Ethan Photo: Supplied
Rachael is from the next family to share their story of trying to secure the best possible education and future for their children who're somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Ethan is her son, he's not just severely autistic but has other behavioural conditions that make life difficult for him to navigate. This is the third in our series - it's one that's struck a chord with many others is similar situations around the country going by the feedback we're receiving.
9:30 Scenic Playground
Aotearoa is a country packed to the brim with mountains. The South Island bristles with them and the North Island peaks loom over the landscape like guardians. Throughout the 20th century the visual language of mountain tourism dominated advertising for domestic and international guests.
A new book from Te Papa Press Scenic Playground looks at the history of mountain tourism and also beautifully reproduces a huge range of the posters and materials used to sell NZ's peaks. We're joined in the Wellington studio by two of its authors Lee Davidson and Peter Alsop.
Photo: Supplied: Te Papa Press
9:45 Hawke's Bay in 2019
Our regional series is moving north and east today. The Hawke's Bay is coming in for a big 2019 and RNZ correspondent Anusha Bradley joins us now from Napier to talk a year of water on farms, water in aquariums and water as an election issue.
Police have been turning cars away on the road to Eskdale. Photo: RNZ / Anusha Bradley
10:05 Vaccinating asthma
Developing vaccines against asthma, allergy and human hookworm is the long-term ambition of Professor Graham Le Gros. Already he's devoted decades of his life to this goal that involves working to understand how the immune system responds to allergens or a parasites in the skin and lung. He's the Malaghan Institute's Chief Executive and Director of Research heading its research programme in allergic and parasitic diseases.
His team is looking into ways of treating inflammatory diseases in the skin, lungs and gut. In 2005 Professor Le Gros (GROW) was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand in recognition of his research contributions to the fields of immunology and asthma.
Photo: Supplied
10:20 Taking the proverbial
Photo: Supplied
We're about to talk proverbs and, well, we're running just a touch late to this story but hey better late than never. After all, you can't always get what you want.
It's a little upsetting though because the early bird catches the worm. So every year the Portuguese city of Tavira hosts the Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, effectively a big meet-up where proverb enthusiasts get together and give workshops about different aspects of proverbs from around the world .
This year was the 12th incarnation of the festival and Massey University's associate professor of classics, Gina Salapata, was lucky enough to go along!
10:35 Birthday Boy
Photo: Supplied
It's our producer Robert Kelly's birthday today so as a special birthday treat we're letting him in the studio to pick some of his favourite tunes.
10:50 Volunteering as a Justice of the Peace
Photo: Supplied
Justices of the Peace are vital for our justice system but it's a huge undertaking for the thousands of people who sign up to be one. Our series on volunteering continues with a conversation about the role and responsibilities that JPs agree to take on when they sign up.
Has that role changed in recent years and what about the future? Rachael O'Grady is the President of the Royal Federation of New Zealand Justices of the Peace.
11:05 Otago University at 150
Now though we're heading south to New Zealand's oldest university! This year the University of Otago celebrates its 150th anniversary, having been founded back in 1869.
Alison Clarke is an author and historian who's written a history of the university: it's called Otago: 150 Years of New Zealand's first University and it's published, of course, by the Otago University Press. Alison Clarke joins us now from the Dunedin studio.
Clocktower of University of Otago Registry Building in Dunedin, New Zealand. Photo: 123RF
11:20 Jetskiers and dolphins
Some jetskiers have been upsetting members of the public when they drive through pods of dolphins. It's been a huge talking point in Wellington but it's not just an issue in the capital.
The Kaikoura Ocean Research Institute is also desperate to get the word out about responsible behaviour - using social media to encourage jet skiers and boat operators to take special care of the coast there, as this year's little blue penguin fledglings head out in to the ocean.
Alistair Judkins is KORI's Operations manager and his Hungarian Vizsla, Mena, is a highly trained Conservation Dog that helps to locate little blue penguins.
Dolphin in flight, Kaikoura. Photo: Supplied
11:30 Rita Angus mural project
There's something going on in Bond Street in Wellington. This summer renowned street artist, Elliot O’Donnell aka Askew One, will be working with street art advocate, muralist and museologist, Bruce Mahalski to paint a large-scale tribute mural of Rita Angus. Bruce calls in from the site to tell us how it's going.
Mural by New Zealand artist Askew One on the side of the Napier City Council building Photo: Olivia Laita
11:45 Hurling in Aoteaora
Hurling - described as the fastest game on grass - has been played in Ireland for around 4-thousand years. Hurling is the men's stick and ball team sport, women play by the identical rules and it's called Camogie.
It's one of that country's national sports and it's really catching on in New Zealand. So is Irish Gaelic Football. I went along to Ian Galloway park in Wellington to watch training sessions for both sports, as a guest of the Wellington and Hutt Valley GAA club.