Sounds Historical for Sunday 27 October 2013
08:02 Today in New Zealand History: the first pigeon post - 27 October 1897
08:07 Pigeonograms
From 20 years ago, a Morning Report item about plans to launch a weekly "pigeonogram" pigeon postal service between the Great Barrier Island and Auckland. Interview with Great Barrier Island pigeonogram agent Martin Gillard. (Morning Report 16 May 1993)
08:11 Jack Mullins recalls pigeon newspaper delivery
Former sports reporter at The Press Jack Mullins recalls how pigeons were used in the newspaper's early days to deliver sports results from the field to the offices in Cathedral Square. (A 1961 recording.)
08:13 Song: Stardust
Artist: National Band of New Zealand
Composer: Carmichael
Album The Virtuoso Brass
Label: Kiwi SLC 47
08:18 Homework - What was so good and so bad about the good old/ bad old days?
08:20 Evelyn Hutchins, "New Zealand's Gracie Fields" (of the 1940s and 1950s) turns 100 this weekend
Born in Dunedin, she broadcast with dance bands on 4YA and 4ZB in the 1940s and with Joe Brown's Dunedin Town Hall Dance. Saw war service with WAAFs and was living in Wellington in 1998 when she recorded this interview. She sings "The Holy City" at the Civic Theatre Christchurch in 1955 and "The Sweetest Song of All."
08:35 An extract from a school holiday programme from the 1960s with host Gavin Yates
08:44 John A Lee discusses his book Children of the Poor and other writing
08:53:20 Song: Lucky Me
Artist: Radio New Zealand Studio Orchestra
Composer: Black
Album Orchestral Gold
Label: Tartar TRL 005
09:01 As I Remember - A Phonophobe, by Sheila Natusch
Read by Alison Lloyd Davies
09:06 Song: Sailing Along on a moonbeam
Artist: Pixie Williams
Composer: Rayling
Album For the record
Label: Blue Smoke Records
09:10 Homework
09:12 Sporting Bloopers - a collection of sports broadcasting embarrassing moments
09:20 From the Back Country - Lionel Winstanley recalls his first impressions of Molesworth
"Not very good. All that there was was running shingle, rocks and rabbits, not hundreds of rabbits, millions, the ground just moved with them" and his daily routine mustering Merinos on Molesworth with his six dogs.
09:34 Book of the Week: Molesworth - Stories from New Zealand's largest high-country station
By Harry Broad with photographs by Rob Suisted. Craig Potton Publishing
09:50 Song: Sarah McPhee
Artist: Marcus Turner
Composer: Turner
Album Below the high country
Label: Gin and Raspberry
09:54:20 Song: For Your Eyes Only
Artist: Radio New Zealand Studio Orchestra
Composer: arr Slater
Album Orchestral Gold
Label: Tartar TRL 005