Navigation for Sounds Historical

Sunday 13 September 2009

8:11 Today in New Zealand History

First Woman MP 13 September 1933

8:16 Royal Air Force March Past (Davies)

Central Band of the RAF CD EMI 5 906995

Terry Smith talks about the success of the Sir Keith Park statue campaign.

The Dambusters March (Coates)

The English Chamber Orchestra CD ASV AJA 5163

8:37 The Civil Service Song (Turner)

Marcus Turner LP City Folk CFR007

8:40 President Bill Clinton in Christchurch 15 September 1999

A programme marking the visit produced by Sam Coley and Justin Gregory

9:04 As I Remember

A Ten Bob Day Out - by Alan Thomas read by Phil Smith

9:12 Bookshelf

Growing Up in Wartime

Compiled and edited by Isobel Veitch and Mervyn Palmer.

15 Beaconsfield Road, Portobello, Dunedin ISBN 9780473155353

9:14 March, Timaru

Timaru Municipal Band

9:21 Homework

9:24 Abide With me (Lyte/Monk)

Peter Baillie (tenor) and Peter Averi (organ) LP Kiwi LC 14

9:27 The Director

Otago University Capping Band

9:29 Book of the Week

Never A Dull Moment
Keith Richardson
Hoot Productions
52 Thatcher St, Castlecliff, Wanganui