Sounds Historical for Sunday 9 August 2009
Sounds Historical for August 9 2009.
8:08 Introduction
8:10 Today in New Zealand History
9 August 1908 Arrival of American fleet in Waitemata Harbour. 3'41"
8:17 Waitemata Harbour (Macky)
The Mariners 1963
45 Kiwi EA 59
8:23 Bill Manhire poem "The 1950s" read by the poet.
8:28 Abbotsford landslip
Thirtieth anniversary of the Abbotsford landslip 8 August 1979
8:49 Dorothy Butler
Remembers her Auckland childhood Part 2
9:00 News
9:05 As I Remember
Fourth Time Lucky by Graham Howell of Wellington. Read by Phil Smith.
9:11 Roll On Waikato (Harry McRae)
Ken Lemon
45 Festival K 9738
9:17 Homework Poem
9:19 On The Rugged Rugby Playing Trail (Owen)
The Rugbymen with the Half Timers
45 Kiwi SA 4
9:25 Paddy O'Donnell
Items by broadcaster Paddy O'Donnell who died this week.
9:34 Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke)
Ken Smith and Stanley Jackson mid 1960s 45 Kiwi EC 24 2'40"
9:37 Book of the Week
The Seven Lives of Lady Barker
By Betty Gilderdale
Canterbury University Press
ISBN 978 1 877257 81 0 19'18"
9:58 Outro