Sounds Historical for Sunday 7 December 2008
Sounds Historical for Sunday 7 December 2008
8:08 Intro
8:10 Today in New Zealand History
December 7 - 1911 the first Prohibition Bill.
8:16 A Gal in Calico (Schwartz)
Fraser Daly
8:20 Bookshelf:
The Olympian Soldier - G C Cooke By Kath Beatson
8:26 As I Remember
Les Munro of Tauranga remembers his air force days and being a pilot on the Dambusters raid of World War Two.
9:00 News
9:06 The Week That Was
Friday - Lick Day by Judith Tait, read by Alison Lloyd Davies.
9:12 If I Knew You Were Coming I'd Have Baked a Cake (Hoffmann)
Georgia Gibbs
Sepia 1016
9:15 Bookshelf:
The Painted Garden in New Zealand Art by Christopher Johnstone
9:16 The History of Building in New Zealand by Nigel Isaacs
Part 5 - Cementing History.
Tar and Cement (Celentario)
Allison Durbin
EMI 471 001
9:26 As I Remember
Ballet Memories by Lenore Truscott, read by Katrina Batten.
9:30 The Neptune Story
A documentary telling of the sinking of HMS Neptune in the Mediterranean in December 1941 with the loss of 151 New Zealand sailors.
9:58 Outro