One In Five for Sunday 3 October 2010
Are we ready?
With the Rugby World Cup kicking off in less than a year, how well is our tourism industry equipped to cope with disabled tourists? Compared with the UK who're gearing up for the London Paralympics, New Zealand's lack of attention to wooing disabled visitors is alarming people like Sandra Rhodda - and she's trying to do something about it. What every tourist operator should know about accessible tourism will be discussed at the first ever accessible tourism conference in this country.
Sandra Rhodda in Radio New Zealand's Auckland studio.
Portrait of the Artists
First up though, we're back at Pablo's Artspace in the Roar Gallery. Thomas Davey and Athena Moisa are the two artists whose joint exhibition was held recently to mark Pablos move to its new, accessible art space.
Artist Athena Moisa.
Through a glass darkly - view of the exhibition at ROAR Gallery.
Diversity and disability
Back in August the Human Rights Commission held its annual Diversity forum at the Christchurch Convention Centre. It provided an ideal forum for the likes of Dr Huhana Hickey to point out some obvious gaps in meeting the human rights of disabled Maori.