One In Five for Sunday 12 September 2010
Special Education - what's been at issue?
Special Education's under the spotlight. There's been the Education Review Office report on how schools are performing when it comes to supporting high needs disabled children. And there's the long awaited review into Special Education begun last year by the now former associate education minister and ACT deputy leader Heather Roy. For some, Heather Roy's sudden departure means it could be back to square one.
The Special Education Review the former associate education Minister kicked off over a year ago now has its report before Cabinet. The report contains recommendations that'll set the future direction for special education. Not surprisingly, teachers, parents, disabled students, and many in the disability community are anxiously awaiting the release of the report. So what ground did the Review traverse? Policy advisor Matt Frost, who helped prepare a submission on behalf of CCS Disability Action, says most of the discussion centred around the notion of choice. But Matt Frost believes that's not as simple as it might sound.
Miranda's Magic
Meantime, education of an entirely different kind. That's what's happening here at Wellington Performing Arts Centre, as veteran of stage and screen, Miranda Harcourt, akes a group of budding actors - both hearing and Deaf - through their paces. It's all part of Oddsocks Production integrated workshops, building towards their upcoming show 'Resolve'.
Miranda Harcourt sharing a few tips with One in Five's Mike Gourley.
Miranda Harcourt directs workshop participants.