Nine To Noon for Wednesday 2 December 2020
09:05 University glass ceiling: Māori and Pacific promotions and pay
New research shows not only are Māori and Pasifika under-represented in the New Zealand university workforce - they're also likely to be paid less and less likely to be promoted. Using New Zealand's Performance-Based Research Fund data, Māori and Pacific men and women had 64 per cent lower odds of being in the professoriate and 36 per cent lower odds of being a full professor over time. The figures were even more dire for women - with Māori and Pacific women academics earning $7,713 less on average than non-Māori and non-Pacific men in academia. Two of the five authors of the report join Kathryn: Dr Sereana Naepi is a Pasifika academic teaching sociology at the University of Auckland and Dr Tara McAllister is a research fellow at Te Pūnaha Matatini, University of Auckland.
Photo: 123RF
09:30 China-Australia relations reach new low over fake tweet
Australia correspondent Annika Smethurst looks at the fallout from a tweet depicting an Australian soldier holding a knife to the throat of an Afghan child, as Scott Morrison took to WeChat to press Australia's position and China accused Australia of trying to deflect attention from atrocities committed in Afghanistan. It comes as new photos emerge of Australian soldiers drinking from a prosthetic leg taken from a dead Taliban soldier.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian speaks at the daily media briefing in Beijing on April 8, 2020. Photo: Greg Baker / AFP
09:45 Virtual Pasifika museum aims to share cultural heritage across region
A new virtual museum aims to open up cultural heritage across the Pacific. The pilot digital museum contains over 60,000 digitised items from across the region gathered from collections around the world. The project, which went live last week, is funded by the Australian government and implemented by National Library of New Zealand, in collaboration with the National Library of Australia. Kathryn speaks with Pacific Virtual Museum Pilot programme manager , Tim Kong.
10:05 What the nose tells the mind
Photo: 123RF
Why does coriander smell like soap to one person, but fragrant and delicious to another? Professor Ann-Sophie Barwich is a cognitive scientist, empirical philosopher and science historian who specialises in the incredible power of the human sense of smell. What does the nose tells the mind, and what we can learn about the sensory system from understanding this vital sense? Her book Smellosophy has just been published by Harvard University Press.
10:35 Book review - The Great Escape from Woodlands Nursing Home by Joanna Nell
Photo: Hachette / Joanna Nell
Louise Ward of Wardini Books reviews The Great Escape from Woodlands Nursing Home by Joanna Nell, published by Hachette.
A poignant, hilarious, joyful novel of ageing as you like it. Adventure, conspiracy, justice, friendship and bravery - all the elements of a good yarn.
10:45 The Reading
What Keeps Me Up At Night, essay written and read by Rose Lu.
11:05 Music With Yadana Saw
Music festivals are back on the menu, Yadana Saw plays some of the local acts on the bill for Outerfields and Downtown Shakedown. Plus a new song from Turkish psych folkies Altin Gun.
11:20 Legally blind illustrator, Richard Fairgray
Richard Fairgray is a creator of comics and picture books and he's been making his own books since childhood.
Growing up in Auckland, the award-winning author now spends his time between Canada, and Los Angeles. His books have been published internationally in Australia and the United States, with foreign language editions published in Korea and Turkey. His titles are many, including the comic series Blastosaurus, and Ghost Ghost, and multiple picture books, including My grandpa is a dinosaur. Richard Fairgray's latest book has perhaps been inspired by some of the North Island's west coast beaches, it is called Black Sand Beach, are you afraid of the light?.
Richard Fairgray - Black Sand Beach Photo: supplied by Penguin RandomHouse NZ
11:45 Neutrinos breakthrough, how moths beat bats' sonar
Science commentator Professor Allan Blackman joins Kathryn to look at neutrinos, massless particles which can travel through matter and which scientists have detected for the first time in the sun's CNO cycle. He'll also look at how butterflies and moths have tiny scales on their winds which absorb the sonar frequencies used by bats. And today in 1942 the first controlled chain reaction experiment was held at a disused squash court at the University of Chicago.
Photo: 123RF, Wikipedia
Music played in this show
Artist: L.A.B
Song: Allright
Broadcast time: 09:31
Artist: Jordan Rakei
Song: Wildfire
Broadcast time: 10:36
Artist: Ladyhawke
Song: Girl Like Me
Broadcast time: 10:44