09:05 8chan ban: what is the role of the ISP?

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Photo: supplied

What is the role of internet service providers in blocking harmful content from the public? The controversial website 8chan - linked to several mass shootings in the past six months - has gone off-line after its hosting company terminated it as a customer. New Zealand's biggest ISP, Spark, has said even if 8chan finds another host provider, it will block access. 2 Degrees has followed suit. The move has the full backing of the Chief Censor, David Shanks, who says he supports any domestic ISP choosing not to link New Zealand customers to 8chan which he has described as a "cesspool of hate". Spark says it would rather the Chief Censor had the power to make blocking orders rather than private companies, but given the repeat transgressions by 8chan it has decided to make the move. Kathryn talks with Spark head of Corporate Relations, Andrew Pirie and Chief Censor, David Shanks.

09:20 Local government. More candidates nailing colours to the mast  

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Photo: https://www.vote.nz/

With about a month to go before voting begins in the 2019 local elections, new research is revealing the influence of central party politics in local government, especially in Auckland. According to research by The Auckland University of Technology candidates in Tāmaki Makaurau are increasingly nailing their colours to the mast. With this rise in political affiliation comes a greater chance of success at the polls. AUT's Dr Karen Webster led the study.

The local elections take place from 20th September until 12th October. Nominations close tomorrow. A range of resources for candidates and voters are available on the voteauckland website.

09:45 Boris Johnson's Brexit blows

UK correspondent Matt Dathan reports on the new war Prime Minister Boris Johnson has opened up with Remainer MPs in his own party, accusing them of "collaborating with the European Union". He's also been dealt a blow by  Speaker of the US House of Representatives saying a US-UK trade deal is unlikely to pass Congress if Brexit undermines the Good Friday Agreement with the return of a hard border in Ireland. And is a General Election on the cards?

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson drinks from a HMP Leeds prison mug as he talks with prison staff during a visit to HM Prison Leeds, a Category B men's prison in Leeds, northern England, on August 13, 2019. (Photo by Jon Super / POOL / AFP)

Photo: AFP

10:05 Investment advisor James Rickards - how to protect your wealth

New York Times best-selling author, and economic and investment advisor James Rickards says the past decade is proof that the most devastating financial crisis is just around the corner. His latest book, Aftermath, completes a quartet of titles, which also include Currency Wars, The Death of Money and The Road to Ruin. This month has seen turbulence in financial markets, with geopolitical tensions impacting markets, and the trade and currency war between the US and China having an effect. Based on what goes up, must come down, James Rickards examines how we can  prepare to survive the aftermath of the next global financial crisis.

James Rickards - Aftermath

Photo: Penguin-Random House

10:35 Book review - Nailing Down the Saint by Craig Cliff

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Photo: Penguin Random House

Ralph McAllister reviews Nailing Down the Saint by Craig Cliff, which is published by Penguin Random House.

10:45 The Reading

Last Day, Last Chance, Forever And Ever by Noel Harrison (episode 4).

11:05 The long wait for driver-less cars and deep fakes get deeper

Technology commentator Mark Pesce reports on why it's taking longer than expected to deliver on driver-less cars. Driving, as it turns out, is a very human problem. And deep fakes have been getting more and more convincing - but what happens when your boss calls and asks you to transfer funds - except it's not really your boss?

Unknown number calling in the middle of the night. Phone call from stranger. Person holding mobile and smartphone home late.

Photo: 123RF

11:25  "Toxic parenting" is failing children: John Marsden

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John Marsden, Australian educator, principal and acclaimed author of more than 40 books for teenagers and children, talks about his new book The Art of Growing Up. He laments what he calls a pandemic of "toxic parenting",  where overprotective parents hover over their offspring, ready to prevent anything bad befalling them. He says this style of parenting is leading to unprecedented anxiety among young people.

11:45 The Blacklist, Flowers, Anima

Film and TV reviewer Lara Strongman looks at the Blacklist, dark British comedy Flowers and Anima, a short film made around three of the songs on Thom Yorke's new album.

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Photo: IMDb