Nine To Noon for Monday 1 July 2019
09:05 New obligations for Oranga Tamariki
Photo: Oranga Tamariki
From today Oranga Tamariki takes on a host of new responsibilities and requirements for an ever increasing number of children. Young people can now stay in state care till age 21 with transition support and advice available up to age 25. Oranga Tamariki will also take on responsibility for 17 year old offenders who'll be included in the youth justice system. The Ministry is also now required to partner with iwi more closely and to report specifically about the welfare of Maori children; new legally mandated National Care Standards come into force, and Oranga Tamariki also begins to roll out a new Intensive Intervention Service to work with high risk children and whanau. This comes as four separate inquiries are underway into Oranga Tamariki's process for taking children in to care and the agency deals with an onslaught of criticism over its attempt to remove a three day old baby from a teenage mother at Hawkes Bay Hospital. Kathryn speaks with Tracey Martin, Minister for Children.
09:25 Japan re-starts commercial whaling
Sei whale mother and calf Photo: Christin Khan, NOAA / NEFSC [Public domain]
Japan is resuming its commercial whaling activities from today, following a three-decade hiatus, but to do this legally Japan's fleet will now be confined to is own waters, up to 200 miles offshore, where whales are less plentiful. That means while there is a gain for whales in the Southern Ocean, the threat to northern Pacific populations could increase. Another problem is that the move will decrease the amount of research done on whales globally. Peter Bridgewater was Chair of the IWC from 1995-1998 and is now adjunct professor at the University of Canberra. He wants to see a more coordinated research programme to fill the void and questions the role the IWC can play in this.
09:45 Africa correspondent, Debora Patta
Debora Patta talks to Kathryn about the latest unrest in Sudan, ebola spreading from the Democratic Republic of Congo to neighbouring Uganda and Botswana scrapping anti-gay laws.
Photo: AP
10:05 Winds of change: Maiden's Tracy Edwards returns to Auckland
It's 30 years since Tracy Edwards and her all-women crew completed the Whitbread Round the World Race on Maiden, defying all the odds as well as the yachting fraternity who said it couldn't be done. The success earned its skipper an MBE and an unprecedented Yachtsman of the Year award. Three decades later the yacht has a new life and a new purpose, promoting girls' education and helping young women break into sailing crews.
Tracy Edwards talks to Kathryn Ryan from Auckland where she made a triumphant entrance, in 1989 when 14,000 fans lined the waterfront at 1am to watch Maiden cross the finish-line, winning the second leg of the race.
The Maiden documentary is screening in New Zealand cinemas from this month and at The New Zealand International Film Festival.
For details of the voyage, visit the Maiden Factor
10:35 Book review
Phil Vine has been reading My Seditious Heart by Arundhati Roy.
10:45 The Reading
The Quiet Spectacular by Laurence Fearnley told by Katherine McRae (Part 1 of 10)
11:05 Political commentators Hooton & Mills
Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills discuss movement in National's ranks and the Prime Minister's first cabinet reshuffle. Also in the public sector, new legislation planned by Chris Hipkins
Stephen Mills is the executive director of UMR Research and former political adviser to two Labour governments. Matthew Hooton is the managing director of the PR and lobbying firm, Exceltium.
11:30 Getting more protein in your diet for good health
Australia's national science agency, CSIRO has conducted three decades of research looking at the effect diet and lifestyle have on health and wellbeing. One of the focuses has been on the role protein has as part of a balanced diet. The findings of various studies suggest protein and resistance exercise are the ticket for maintain good health as we age and also contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. The government agency has just released a book - CSIRO Protein Plus, which contains a raft of information, including how you can improve your body composition for better weight management and ways to incorporate protein rich meals across the day, rather than just at dinner time. Professor Grant Brinkworth is a principal research scientist in Clinical Nutrition and Exercise at CSIRO. Recipes for poached egg hash, eggplant parmigiana toasts and chargrilled marinara.
11:45 Off the beaten track with Kennedy Warne - garden bird survey
The annual garden bird survey is on this week, and Kennedy talks to Kathryn about what ten years of backyard bird counts have revealed, along with some thoughts on closing the gap between humans and nature.
Matuku moana/white-faced heron Photo: Kennedy Warne