09:05 Is Auckland's development hamstrung by the view?

A recent economic appraisal of the regulations to protect Auckland's iconic views concluded the rules significantly constrain economic activity in the city centre. Could there be a simple solution that allows more development in the CBD without ruining the view? Should there be a new discussion about these restrictions and how they are affecting a city where space is a premium. Joining Kathryn to discuss this is economist Geoff Cooper who completed the two year study into Auckland's viewshafts ,  Phil Heffernan, principal planner from Woods Consultancy and John Duigud general manager of planning and places at Auckland Council.

Viewshaft three dimensional plane

Viewshaft three dimensional plane Photo: Auckland Council

09:20 How to make your children money smart

A money guide for children with Australian author Scott Pape. His book The Barefoot Investor for Families aims to help parents and grandparents to teach kids to be financially savvy. It contains ten money milestones for children to absorb, before they leave home.

Scott Pape

Scott Pape Photo: supplied

09:45 Donald Trump & Khashoggi death

The story behind the death of the dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has become more complicated. USA Correspondent Susan Milligan has the latest on the Saudi body double used in the attempted cover-up of his killing and the questions that continue over President Donald Trump’s hesitation to punish Saudi Arabia, a close ally to the US in the Middle East.

10:05 Instagram sensation Celeste Barber's celebrity parodies

With four point nine million instagram followers, there's a huge appetite for Australian comedian Celeste Barbers' hilarious celebrity instagram parodies. Celeste talks to Kathryn Ryan about her new book, Challenge Accepted!

10:35 Book review - Putney by Sofka Zinovieff

Jane Westaway reviews Putney by Sofka Zinovieff, which is published by Bloomsbury.  

10:45 The Reading

The New Ships by Kate Duignan read by Nick Blake, part 1 of 12.

11:05 Politics with Mills & Sherson

Stephen Mills and Trish Sherson talk to Kathryn about an extraordinary time in politics with ongoing developments following National's Jami-Lee Ross leaving the party after the Simon Bridges expenses leak

Stephen Mills is the executive director of UMR Research and former political adviser to two Labour governments and Trish Sherson is from corporate affairs firm Sherson Willis, and a former ACT press secretary.

11:30 More than just curry: My Indian Kitchen

Auckland-based Ashia Ismail-Singer's cook book My Indian Kitchen is, she says "more than just curries".  With a family history that spans Gujurat, Pakistan, Malawi and the UK before New Zealand, Ashia's recipes have a definite Persian flavour, some of them a spicy take on familiar Kiwi dishes.  She shares recipes with Kathryn Ryan for Puri (which are great to make with kids), Roast lamb with a chilli rub, Chilli-basted roast chicken and Pavlova with rose cream, cardamom & salted caramel shards.

11:45 Sunday Star-Times goes compact

Media commentator, Gavin Ellis looks at a format change for the Sunday Star-Times. Has its 'compact' size succeeded in avoiding the 'tabloid' label? Also why Bruce Morris' exemplar hyper-local site Mt Albert Inc is closing down after a year. 

Gavin Ellis is a media commentator and former editor of the New Zealand Herald.  He can be contacted on gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz