Nine To Noon for Tuesday 3 April 2018
09:05 How broad should government abuse inquiry go?
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into historical abuse in state care has launched a major public awareness campaign over what the scope and limitations of the three-year inquiry should be. Chair Sir Anand Satyanand speaks with Kathryn Ryan about why it's important to hear from victims across the country as the terms of reference are confirmed.
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09:20 Working out a new yardstick to measure our lives
How will the Living Standards Framework being devised by Treasury impact the way Government is run and policy is made? Minister of Finance Grant Robertson says he wants the framework ready to the 2019 Budget. We speak with Tim Ng, the Treasury's chief economic advisor, who is responsible for the development of the new framework. He joins Kathryn to talk through the nuts and bolts of the work - and how it has the potential to change the way New Zealand measures its well-being as a nation.
09:45 US correspondent Steve Almond
Steve has the latest on a right wing TV network that's ordered dozens of news anchors across the US to read an identical script criticizing ‘fake’ news stories; the shooting of Stephon Clark and more job losses at the White House.
Attorney Ben Crump holds a diagram showing gunshot wounds to Stephon Clark Photo: AFP
10:05 NASA engineer comes home to head up NZ space centre
Dr Delwyn Moller, carrying a corner reflector into the San Juan Mountains in Colorado, USA for radar calibration during a NASA airborne snow measurement campaign. Photo: Delwyn Moller
Award-winning radar system engineer Dr. Delwyn Moller has returned from NASA to lead a space science centre in Central Otago. Origionally from Waikato, Delwyn has developed cutting-edge remote sensing technology for use in multi-national missions to map the planet and more accurately measure global sea level rise.
10:35 NZ Books - Pukapuka Aotearoa review
Harry Ricketts. reviews Pasture and Flock: New and Selected Poems by Anna Jackson, published by Auckland University Press.
10:45 The Reading
Actor Bruce Hopkins is walking his father and brother’s ashes home to Rakiura/Stewart Island along Te Araroa – New Zealand’s Trail.
11:05 Political commentators Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills
A look at the backlash from the Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran following Carol Hirschfeld's resignation from RNZ; Jacinda Ardern's comments on Russian spies; and the issues surrounding the new America's Cup base.
Matthew Hooton is the managing director of the PR and lobbying firm, Exceltium. Stephen Mills is the executive director of UMR Research and former political adviser to two Labour governments.
11:30 The food from Damascus - Hasan Alwarhani
Hasan Alwarhani has bought culinary skills from his village in Syria, which has no electricity, to a food truck - powered by a generator - on Wellington's Cuba Street. Hasan tells Kathryn Ryan about the traditional food he makes and sells, including Syrian pizza (Manakch), tahini biscuits, hummus and other deliciousness under the banner of Damascus at the Wellington Night Market, and shares a recipe for Syrian hummus mdamas.
11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis
With Facebook under pressure, what will this mean for news media who rely heavily on it to reach audiences; an Information Authority with real teeth as proposed by constitutional lawyers Geoffrey Palmer and Andrew Butler and defamation laws in Australia.
Gavin Ellis is a media commentator and former editor of the New Zealand Herald. He can be contacted on
Music played in this show
Artist: Emiliana Torrini
Song: Me And Armini
Comp: Torrini
Album: Me And Armini
Label: Rough Trade
Broadcast time: 10:35am