Nine To Noon for Thursday 29 June 2017
09:05 "Who will speak for her when I can't?"
Post it notes from Disability Connect meeting Photo: Colleen Brown
Messages written on post it notes by more than 80 parents and caregivers of adults with disabilities who crowded into a meeting in Auckland last night. The meeting was run by Disability Connect, an organisation which helps support disabled people and their families in Auckland. It was also attended by representatives form the Ministry of Health. Kathryn Ryan speaks to Colleen Brown, the head of Disability Connect and a member of the Auckland District Health Board.
09:20 How much advertising are our kids exposed to?
Photo: Supplied / University of Otago
Researchers have just finished a groundbreaking study to test how much advertising children are exposed to by fitting them with wearable cameras. Children have long been a target – it's an estimated $17 billion market in the US today, more than 85 times what advertisers were spending in the 1990s. Kathryn Ryan speaks with University of Otago's Leah Watkins, who says it's time for the government to introduce guidelines so these persuasive messages don't have long-term effects.
09:45 UK correspondent Tim Sculthorpe
Daily Mail On-line Deputy Political Editor Tim Sculthorpe on the Hillsborough Disaster charges, the Tory-DUP deal following Theresa May's election catastrophe, and the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire.
Photo: Twitter
10:05 Debbie Kilroy: ex-drug trafficker-turned lawyer and advocate
Queensland lawyer Debbie Kilroy is the only convicted drug trafficker in Australia to be admitted to the bar. As a young mother aged 28, she was sentenced to six years in prison in Brisbane after being convicted of supplying cannabis. Inside, she witnessed the brutal murder of a close friend, prompting authorities to reappraise conditions in the prison, and allowing inmates more say in the running of the facility. Upon release, she became a lawyer, and went on to found the prisoner advocacy organisation Sisters Inside. She is now also a member of the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council.
10:35 Book review
Harry Broad reviews Red Sky at Noon by Simon Sebag Montefiore, published by Penguin Random House
10:45 The Reading
11:05 New technology with Bill Bennett
Technology journalist Bill Bennett on the Petya ransomware attack, Google being fined US$2.7 billion by the European Union, and iPhone's tenth birthday: how it's changed just about everything in technology.
11:25 Why children need downtime
Photo: 123RF
Parent educator and mentor Mary Willow talks to Kathryn about the need for children to have downtime. She says children are born with the unstoppable urge to 'go get the world', but that comes with a need to rest and digest.
11:45 Viewing with Sarah McMullan
Sarah McMullan discusses Glow, Despicable Me 3, the New Zealand International Film Festival and Swagger of Thieves which is showing in it.