Nine To Noon for Monday 29 May 2017
09:05 Teachers isolated, can't access research: study
Photo: 123rf
Kathryn Ryan talks with Dr Nina Hood, founder of The Education Hub, a new non-profit organisation set up to promote cooperation with the education sector. She says teachers are isolated and find it hard to keep up to date with the latest research in their field, partly because of the way academics write and present their research.
9:30 Should DOC allow e-bikes in our national parks?
Mountain biking on the Tukino Skifield access road. Photo: Supplied / Gary Perkin
The Department of Conservation is proposing to allow pedal-assist 300 watt e-bikes on 33km of new shared-use track in Tongariro National Park. But it's caught some off guard, including cycling advocate at Ground Effect, Guy Wynn-Williams. We'll also speak with DOC to see how it may affect other park users.
09:45 South America correspondent, Joel Richards
Joel Richards reports in on the political violence gripping Venezuela and the ongoing corruption crisis in Brazil.
10:05 Game Changer! The sand-box games transforming cities
'Sand-box' games like 'Minecraft', 'Sim City' and 'Cities: Skylines' are starting to have a major impact on real world urban design by educating people about how to create sustainable cites, and helping ordinary people visualize and create cities with better futures. Jose Sanchez and his game 'Block'hood' are the subject of a documentary which follows three gaming companies navigating the space where urban planning and gaming meet. 'Gaming The Real World' screens at the Architecture and Design Film Festival in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch through to July.
10:35 Book review
Since We Fell by Dennis Lehane
10:45 The Reading
Edwin + Matilda by Laurence Fearnley (Part 6 of 10)
This week's reading is not available online as RNZ does not own the rights for digital downloads.
11:05 Political commentators Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills
Stephen Mills and Matthew Hooton dissect the budget.
11:30 Bringing NZ Cervena to Europe
Kathryn Ryan meets Jan Kunz, director of the Dutch food company Luiten Foods, who is marketing chilled New Zealand Cervena venison to northern hemisphere markets. He says Europeans are learning to enjoy Cervena as a summer barbeque food, instead of the traditional winter food for casseroles.
11:45 Urban issues with Bill McKay
Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at Auckland University, Bill McKay, discusses what kinds of new accommodation are going to be needed to address changing demographics and attitudes towards housing.