Nine To Noon for Tuesday 15 March 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) shakes hands with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad (L) during their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow on October 20, 2015. Photo: ALEXEY DRUZHININ / RIA NOVOSTI / AFP
09:05 Russia begins withdrawing troops from Syria
The Russian President, Vladimir Putin told the Kremlin that their mission had been accomplished and it is now time to focus on peacetalks.
Russia entered the Syrian civil war last September, and its bombing campaign helped the Syrian government forces to recapture territory from rebel groups.
But it has been accused by Syrian activists and human rights groups of targeting moderate opposition groups and causing significant civilian casualites.
Berlin based journalist Lucian Kim has been covering Russia and its role in eastern europe and the middle east for two decades.
09:20 Getting ahead through smarter migration policies
How can we attract skilled, creative and entrepreneurial people born in other countries? How can our 'seventeenth region' - the more than 600,000 New Zealanders living abroad, be a greater national asset ?
Julie Fry is a consulting economist who divides her time between New York and a family farm near Motueka. She has worked on migration policy issues since the early 1990s, designing programmes and advising agencies including The Treasury, Te Puni Kōkiri, and HM Treasury in London.
She has written a book with Hayden Glass called, Going Places, which argues that we could do significantly better if we changed some of our policies.
09:45 US correspondent Susan Milligan
10:05 Pakistani entrepreneur, businesswoman and philanthropist Seema Aziz
More than 25 million children are out of school in Pakistan, which has the second lowest literacy rate in the world. Seema Aziz is Pakistan's most successful businesswoman, founder of a high-end fashion business. She's also the founder of CARE Pakistan, which runs 450 schools around the country, educating 195 thousand children. Her aim is to reach one million. She talks to Kathryn Ryan about her belief that access to schooling is the country's biggest opportunity.
10:35 Book review: Six Four by Hideo Yokoyama
Reviewed by Quentin Johnson
Published by Hachette
10:45 The Reading: Bulibasha by Witi Ihimaera read by George Henare (Part 12 of 15)
11:05 Business commentator Rod Oram
11:20 Valentijn Dhaenens and his Big Mouth
Valentijn Dhaenens Photo: Credit: Maya Wilsens
It's not what you say but how you say it that matters. From Socrates to Martin Luther King and Osama bin Laden, Belgium's Valentijn Dhaenens pays homage to oration by using the best speeches of all time to show the power of words, for both good and evil.
His one-man show 'BigMouth' makes its New Zealand debut at Auckland Arts Festival 2016.
11:45 Media commentator, Gavin Ellis
Gavin Ellis discusses the media merry-go-round that keeps spinning with the resignation of NZME's CEO Jane Hastings. She achieved the integration of the New Zealand Herald and The Radio Network but failed to bring about a promised IPO and website paywall. What does the changing of the guard mean?
Gavin Ellis is a media commentator and former editor of the New Zealand Herald. He can be contacted on
Music played in this show
Artist: Ellie Goulding
Song: Starry Eyed
Composer: Goulding /Latimer
Album: Lights
Label: Polydor
Time: 10:43