Nine To Noon for Monday 5 October 2015
09:05 Biotechnology sector wants GM restrictions eased
NZBIO says the The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act hasn't kept pace with rapid developments in GM technology. It says the current legislation fails to take into account relative risk and puts undue hardship on local businesses and researchers. However others say further releases of GM plants and animals puts New Zealand's clean green brand at risk.
09:20 Cyberwar and Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity was top of the agenda during Chinese president Xi Jinping's recent visit to the United States. The US and China have agreed neither country will carry out cyber espionage on the other for commercial reasons but many analyst doubt that means either country is likely to stop hacking the other any time soon. Dr Joe Burton is an international relations and security lecturer at Victoria with a special interest in cybersecurity.
09:45 Europe correspondent, Carsten von Nahmen
Carsten von Nahmen reports on Putin's agenda in Syria, how Germans are coping with the influx of Syrian refugees.
10:05 Devon McLean: how Project Janszoon is restoring Abel Tasman National Park
Devon McLean is the Director of Project Janszoon. The Trust is working to reduce predator numbers within the Abel Tasman, to levels where birds can survive. It's 25 million dollars of funding over 30 years comes from philanthropists Neil and Annette Plowman.
10:30 Book Review: The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks
Reviewed by Lisa Finucane, published by Hachette
10:45 The Reading: Speed Of Light by Joy Cowley read by Simon Leary (Part 6 of 10)
When a storm hits Wellington, a strange old woman is blown into Jeff's life, challenging everything he thinks is true.
11:05 Politics with Mike Williams and Matthew Hooton
11:30 What to do with Tamarillos
Robin Nitschke is a Northland tamarillo grower. He says the fruit is versatile for both savoury and sweet dishes. He will run through recipes for tamarillo chutney, apple and tamarillo crumble and one for slow cooker tamarillo beef casserole. Robin is also the Manager and Chairman of the Tamarillo Growers Association. There are around 40 growers in New Zealand.
11:45 Tommy Honey - Gentrification
Gentrification is a relatively young word that describes making new spaces in old areas.
- Gentrification Backlash Has Inspired Its Own Backlash, Citylab
- Artist Will Remove Bushwick Crochet Mural that Sparked Community Protest,
- Breakfast of Gentrifiers, CityLab
- Is Gentrification a Human-Rights Violation?, The Atlantic
- Your guilt trip won't stop gentrification, Guardian Cities
- Are You a Gentrifier?,