Nine To Noon for Thursday 3 October 2013
09:05 Problems with the Funded Family Care scheme
Chairman of the NZ Carers Alliance John Forman.
09:30 Spirituality in healthcare
Dr Christina Puchalski, from the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health; and Dr Chris Perkins, director of the Selwyn Centre for Ageing and Spirituality in NZ.
09:45 UK correspondent Matthew Parris
10:05 Ian Stewart - Mathematician
Professor Ian Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick. He is the author of many books including Does God Play Dice and 17 Equations That Changed the World. Professor Stewart's lecture "Equations that Changed the World" will take place on Friday 4 October, 5:30 - 6:30pm in Rutherford House Lecture Theatre 1, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University.
10:35 Book Review with Graham Beattie
The October List by Jeffrey Deaver
Published by Hodder
10:45 Reading: End of the Alphabet by Fleur Beale
Told by Sara Allen (Part 4 of 10)
11:05 New Technology commentator Sarah Putt
The fall of BlackBerry; how all of government supplier panels work for IT; and home-based call centre.
11:30 Understanding NCEA
Elizabeth McKinley is an Associate Professor of Education at Auckland University and director of the Starpath Project for Tertiary Participation and Success, which aims to improve educational outcome for Maori, Pacific Island and low decile school children. She and Dr Irena Madjar from the Starpath Project have released a second edition of their book Understanding NCEA, which is a guide for college students and their parents on navigating through the secondary school qualification system.
11:45 TV review with Nick Grant
Nick Grant discusses the screening of some shows on-demand online before they are on TV, and the huge hype around the ending of Breaking Bad - well out of proportion to its actual viewing figures.