7:07 Sonic Tonic - Fast Food

What's your take-away?

Hot dogs against a plain background. (Photo by SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / R3F / Science Photo Library via AFP)


8:15 Pacific Waves

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Koroi Hawkins presents a daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world.

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Photo: RNZ Pacific

8:30 Friday Night Live

In Friday Night Live we feature the post-rock three-piece Jakob performing at Galatos in 2014.    


Jakob Photo: Supplied

9:07 Country Life 

The Country Life collection has self-shedding Wiltshires, Streamside Organics, Ag Research CEO Sue Bidrose, and a visit to Nightcaps in Southland. There was a time people were walking away from their homes there because no one wanted to buy them - now prices have sky-rocketed so much you may have to pay more than $200,000 for one.

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Photo: RNZ/Carol Stiles

10:17 Lately

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Photo: RNZ

Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.

11:07 The Mixtape

On this week's Mixtape, Charlotte Ryan invites musician Ria Hall to curate and talk about her love for music.

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Photo: Screen capture