Nights for Thursday 6 July 2017
7:12 Tourettes aka Dominic Hoey
Dominic Hoey has just released a book called 'Iceland' and he's about to open a one man show called "Your Heart Looks Like A Vagina"
7:35 New Horizons
Another episode of New Horizons just after 7:30pm
8:12 Nights' Culture - Hip Hop
University of Auckland ethnomusicologist Dr Kirsten Zemke is on the show to share some tunes.
This time from KRS One.
8:30 Window on the World
Another Window on the World coming to you later on in the show.
9:07 Our Changing World
On Our Changing World this week, Alison Ballance finds out about underground water in the Wellington region - what is an aquifer and how does it work. And what does this have to do with a drilling rig in Wellington harbour?
9:30 This Way Up
This Way Up highlights now, and the science of gender difference- in particular, why do women generally live longer than men?!
First though the discovery that the human genome has never actually been fully sequenced, and why the missing bits matter.
10:17 Late Edition
A round up of today's RNZ News and feature interviews as well as Dateline Pacific from RNZ International.
11:07 Music 101 pocket edition
Music 101 bite sized edition.