Nights for Thursday 8 September 2016
7:12 New Zealand's Irish "Underground Railway"
Seán Brosnahan shares the stories of Irish Catholic conscientious objectors in New Zealand during WW1.
7:35 New Horizons
William Dart reviews Andrew Keoghan's recent album Every Orchid Offering.
8:12 Nights' Culture - Poetry
"I have only tried to make a shape in words using as data the complex of sights, sounds, fears, hopes, apprehensions, smells - things exterior and interior" - David Jones
Cliff Fell shares the work and life of Welsh poet and painter David Jones, whose modernist work tackled war and history.
8:30 Window on the World
US Heroin Epidemic - India Rakusen investigates the heroin and opiate epidemic gripping the United States.
9:07 Our Changing World
We'll be hearing from the winners of the New Zealand Association of Scientists medals. We'll also find out about P53, which is a cancer gene that can either be very good news or very bad news, depending on which version you have.
9:30 This Way Up
We meet Jennifer Cooper from Kai Cycle. Collecting organic waste kerbside is nothing new. What's different about Kai Cycle is that they collect the waste and turn it into food that feeds the community - and they do it on bicycles!
10:17 Late Edition
A round up of today's RNZ News and feature interviews as well as Date Line Pacific from RNZ International.
11:07 Music 101 pocket edition
Trevor Reekie, Sam Wicks and Yadana Saw talk to some of the international presenters at the Global Global Summit, an annual event that brings together industry heads. Yadana also catches up with Cut Off Your Hands ahead of their first gig in many years. And music from the new and the vaults.