Nights for Friday 5 December 2014
7:06 Sonic Tonic
8:10 Docking in South Taranaki
The shipping history of South Taranaki, as explored in the exhibition Port-able: A history of South Taranaki ports, with Rob Groat, Museum Educator at the Aotea Utanganui Museum of South Taranaki.
8:25 The Secret Life of Conductors
The most prestigious and yet misunderstood role in the orchestra must be that of the conductor. They are a lightning rod for the music, whether it was written two hundred years ago or just last week. Without the conductor the musicians might not even play a note on stage. Without the orchestra though, the conductor is just a smartly dressed person waving a stick around. Together they're capable of creating an intoxicating alchemy for the ears.
In The Secret Life Of Conductors we find out about the art of conducting from some of New Zealand's well known Maestros: Marc Taddei and Hamish McKeich, who both work with all of Aotearoa's orchestras regularly; NZ Opera musical director Wyn Davies; and up and coming assistant director with the New Jersey Symphony, Gemma New.
9:06 Country Life
Rural news and features.
10:17 Late Edition
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11:06 Studio Rio Presents The Brazil Connection
A lively and seamless blend of samba and bossa nova arrangement with some of the most iconic American vocal performances from Billie Holiday, Marvin Gay, Aretha Franklin, The Isley Brothers, Bill Withers and others.