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Morning Report for Friday 28 September 2018
Top Stories for Friday 28 September 2018
6:00 AM.Blasey Ford certain Kavanaugh assaulted her, Students around NZ echo mental health care concerns, Willie Jackson maintains support of Meka Whaitiri, Waka-jumping bill passes into law with Greens'… Read more Audio
Sports News for 28 September 2018
6:06 AM.The All Blacks coach Steve Hansen says Sonny Bill Williams is the type of player who needs to start when coming back from an injury layoff. Audio
Changes needed in mental health help - Universities NZ
6:10 AM.RNZ has learned Universities New Zealand, the body representing the country's eight universities, recognises changes need to be made to mental health services provided on campuses. In June, in its… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 28 September 2018
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Meka Whaitiri 'been through hell' - Willie Jackson
6:42 AM.The Labour Minister Willie Jackson says Meka Whaitiri has been through hell over the last month since the altercation with her press secretary which led to her being stripped of all her ministerial… Read more Audio
ACC must make strong case for levy rise - Minister
6:44 AM.The government says ACC will have to make a compelling case before there is any increase in its petrol levy or the cost of vehicle registration. The corporation says increases are needed to help cover… Read more Audio
Claimants out of pocket after Waitangi Treaty claims
6:45 AM.Waitangi Tribunal claimants are concerned about the mounting costs of challenging the Crown for breaching the Treaty. Retired probation officer Tom Hemopo says it cost him and his iwi at least 10… Read more Audio
Business News for 28 September 2018
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Sports News for 28 September 2018
7:06 AM.The All Blacks coach Steve Hansen says Sonny Bill Williams has been very professional during his lay-off from the game and is excited about his return to the field in Sunday's Rugby Championship clash… Read more Audio
Blasey Ford certain of Kavanaugh assaulted
7:09 AM.The first woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her has appeared before a Senate judiciary committee. Christine Blasey Ford was questioned for several hours by… Read more Audio
NZ First Party celebrates 25 years
7:12 AM.This weekend Winston Peters and the NZ First party will celebrate 25 years of existence at its annual convention and the venue is suitably fitting. NZ First is descending on Tauranga on Saturday… Read more Audio
Students around NZ echo mental health care concerns
7:16 AM.University students around the country are echoing mounting concerns about long wait times for mental health care. The story of Wellington student Dani Saundry, who was asked to leave her hostel the… Read more Audio
Willie Jackson still in support of Meka Whaitiri
7:21 AM.One of Meka Whaitiri's staunchest supporters, Willie Jackson, says he understands why some people are questioning whether the former Minister is fit to be an MP. Ms Whaitiri was stripped of her… Read more Audio
Waka-jumping bill passes into law with Greens' vote
7:25 AM.The controversial waka-jumping bill has crossed its final hurdle to become law. The legislation is designed to stop MPs from ditching their party - to New Zealand First, it's a trophy; to the Greens… Read more Audio
All Blacks keep Beauden Barrett for battle in Buenos Aires
7:28 AM.Beauden Barrett will start for the All Blacks against Argentina on Sunday, with selectors giving the first-five a chance to redeem himself after the loss to South Africa. There's several changes to… Read more Audio
Jacinda Ardern addresses UN General Assembly
7:35 AM.The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has told the United Nations General Assembly that countries need to work together to fix the challenges the world faces. Ms Ardern drew attention to what she called… Read more Audio
Derek Handley has no hard feelings toward govt
7:37 AM.It could hardly be more ironic - tech entrepreneur Derek Handley spoke at AUT in Auckland on Thursday at an event called 'Making bold moves for you and your career'. Mr Handley says he doesn't have… Read more Audio
'#MeToo must become 'we too'' - Jacinda Ardern
7:44 AM.Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has just finished her speech to the United Nations General Assembly. She told the assembly countries need to work together to fix the challenges the world faces Jacinda… Read more Audio
Timing not good to talk further fuel price hike - AA
7:49 AM.The government says ACC will have to make a compelling case before there is any increase in its petrol levy or the cost of vehicle registration. The corporation says increases are needed to help cover… Read more Audio
Meatworks pays $300k after man's hand cut off in machinery
7:54 AM.A meat works in Timaru has been ordered to pay a $300,000 fine after a man got his hand cut off in a machine. WorkSafe's investigation found the company Alliance Group Limited had failed to ensure the… Read more Audio
Sports News for 28 September 2018
8:06 AM.The All Blacks midfielder Sonny Bill Williams is happy to be no longer considered as just adding to the food-bill after being named to start against Argentina In Buenos Aires on Sunday. Audio
Independent review after cows killed by 1080
8:10 AM.The Department of Conservation is taking the extraordinary step of getting an independent review of a 1080 operation in the Waikato where eight cows died. It's now confirmed that the animals found… Read more Audio
Waka-Jumping law: Fletcher Tabuteau, Andrew Geddis discuss
8:13 AM.The controversial Electoral Amendment Bill or Waka Jumping Bill passed its final reading in Parliament on Thursday. The legislation is designed to prevent MPs from ditching their party during a… Read more Audio
Tamihere criticises Auckland Council's Panuku Development
8:24 AM.Urban Māori leader John Tamihere says Auckland Council's development arm is corrupt, arrogant and shutting poor people out of housing. Mr Tamihere told the council it is not providing enough social… Read more Audio
Challenging Crown over Treaty breaches too costly
8:29 AM.A retired probation officer was left out of pocket when he exposed the Department of Corrections for not trying hard enough to reduce Māori reoffending. Now other Waitangi Tribunal claimants are… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 28 September 2018
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Celebration as past convictions for homosexuality wiped
8:40 AM.Two people have had their historical convictions for homosexual offences wiped. Earlier this year an act was passed confirming the criminalisation of gay people was wrong. That has allowed those with… Read more Audio
Ardern talks climate change, kindness at UN
8:45 AM.In New York, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has finished speaking to the United Nation's General Assembly. Ms Ardern, who has drawn international attention by having her baby Neve on the assembly… Read more Audio
NZ investigation into alleged corruption in Tokelau stalled
8:50 AM.An investigation into allegations of corruption in Tokelau has been prevented by a backlog of unaudited government accounts. RNZ can reveal serious concerns were raised about the conduct of a former… Read more Audio
Oceania exhibition opens at London's Royal Academy
8:54 AM.Ngāti Rānana, or the London Māori Club, welcomed guests at the opening of the exhibition, Oceania, at London's Royal Academy. The 200-piece exhibition features Māori, Melanesian, Micronesian and… Read more Audio
Kerry-Anne Walsh with news from Australia
8:57 AM.It's Friday so we cross the ditch to Canberra to talk to our correspondent Kerry-Anne Walsh. Audio