Lately for Monday 19 April 2021
Photo: RNZ
10:20 A challenging review is released about Wellington City Council
A review published today has found poor governance and behaviour at Wellington City Council is undermining public trust and confidence. Karyn speaks with Wellington's Mayor Andy Foster who commissioned the report in February.
Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone
10:30 London Calling: the BBC World Service
In her weekly cross to the team at the BBC World Service, tonight Karyn speaks with journalist Audrey Tinline about the number of active Covid-19 cases around the world; President Putin's scheduled annual state of the nation address and the European Space Agency is bringing together scientists, engineers and policy makers to look at new ways of cleaning up space junk.
Photo: Shutterstock
10:45 Back in time with The Plague
The name The Plague might conjure up Covid images for some, but many people will remember the art punk band playing at the Nambassa Festival in 1979 ...four of them clad only in body paint, including frontman Richard Von Sturmer who wrote the lyrics to There is No Depression In New Zealand - the Blam Bam Blam classic. Forty-three years after they first formed, The Plague has their own headline gig at Karangahape Rd's Neck of the Woods on Thursday. Tim Mahon was a high school student way back at the beginning... but he picked up a guitar, and became part of a band known for their provocative political statements.
Photo: The Plague