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Photo: RNZ

10:20     Fuel prices set to rise in New Zealand after Saudi attacks 

Fuel importers have confirmed there'll be price-hikes at the petrol pump within a week, following the weekend attack on an oil plant in Saudi Arabia. 

Meanwhile Donald Trump has warned that the US is what he describes as "locked and loaded" for a potential response to the drone attack on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities.

Professor of International Law at Waikato University, Al Gillespie, speaks with Karyn about the rising tensions in the Middle East.



10:45 DIY: Zero Waste with Miriama Kamo

Tonight's DIY feature is all about living waste free and reducing waste at home.

Sunday and Marae presenter, Miriama Kamo chats to Karyn Hay about lessening the constant stream of waste flowing through her household.

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Photo: Miriama Kamo