Lately for Monday 2 September 2019
10:20 Lung Foundation calls for cancer drug funding to be guaranteed
The Government's announced some big moves over the weekend to help to fund and monitor cancer treatment, by establishing a national Cancer Control Agency by December of this year.
There's an extra 60-million-dollars in funding for Pharmac to help purchase new medicines, however The Lung Foundation believes the new funding for Pharmac is a mere drop in the ocean, and it should be ring-fenced for cancer drugs.
The Foundation's Chief Executive, Philip Hope, speaks with Karyn about their concerns that policy makers don't understand the important of new medicines.
New Zealand Lung Foundation CEO Philip Hope Photo: supplied
10:30 Meet New Zealand's new Race Relations Commissioner
After more than a year without a Race Relations Commissioner after Dame Susan Devoy stood down from the role, long time mayor of Gisborne, Meng Foon, has hung up the city's chains and stepped into the role at New Zealand's Human Rights Commission.
Mr Foon was Gisborne's mayor from 2001 and had already announced he was not seeking re-election for the next term.
It's been a month since he started this new job, and Karyn asks Meng Foon how it's going.
New Zealand's new Race Relations Commissioner, Meng Foon Photo: supplied
10:45 Do-It-Yourself: home grown eggs
Our fortnightly series, Do It Yourself, where we celebrate a new form of DIY: how to write a will; how to travel on your own; how to do a speech or presentation; how to organise a funeral ...
And tonight our feature is all about chickens, specifically how to get them laying eggs at home. Chicken expert and enthusiast, Raewyn Norton, joins Karyn on the line from Heritage Farms in Waitakere, Auckland.