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First Up for Tuesday 17 December 2019
Pharmac knew about deaths linked to drug brand switch
5:58 AM.What were they waiting for? That's the question a grieving mother has for Pharmac - after her 27-year-old son died while switching to a generic version of his epilepsy medication called Logem. It's… Read more Audio
First Up Daily Quiz Tuesday 17 December
5:57 AM.Yesterday's answers and Tuesday's questions: 1. 1609.34 metres is 1 imperial mile. How many lengths of a 25 metre swimming pool, would complete 1 mile? you can round your answer to the nearest length… Read more Audio
Police divers role in looking for survivors very challenging
5:44 AM.Rescue officials will this morning announce whether divers will return today to continue the search for two missing people from the Whakaari/White Island eruption. Rob Gatt is currently the Executive… Read more Audio
Ōtara residents taken advantage of by outside groups
5:33 AM.Dozens of residents from the South Auckland suburb of Ōtara say they've been taken advantage of by a Māori social housing trust building a development for those recovering from mental illness and… Read more Audio
The Wonderful World of TradeMe with Logan Mudge
5:23 AM.TradeMe is, of course, the go-to site for collectors and hoarders and never more so than at Christmas. This week's interesting auctions include a number of festive fundraisers and a curious Coca-Cola… Read more Audio