17 Dec 2019

First Up Daily Quiz Tuesday 17 December

From First Up, 5:57 am on 17 December 2019

Yesterday's answers and Tuesday's questions: 1. 1609.34 metres is 1 imperial mile. How many lengths of a 25 metre swimming pool, would complete 1 mile? you can round your answer to the nearest length. 2. Who was the coarse-voiced Texan who fronted the San Francisco group, "Big Brother and the Holding Company"? 3. What is the mainland part of Newfoundland called? 4. What was the original purpose of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? 5. Convicted murderer Helen Milner - who recently succeeded in a call to get bodily samples of the man she murdered, in order to help her overturn her conviction - is often known by what other name?