9:05 PM.Bridget and Richard Neeson grow kiwifruit deep in a valley 40 minutes drive south of Taumarunui. The fruit gets plenty of winter chilling. Their crop is one of the last to be picked in New Zealand… Read moreAudio
9:07 PM.The beginning of the week was beautifully fine and far too dry in most of the North Island and in the South, snow has fallen on hills around the Mackenzie Basin. Read moreAudio
9:14 PM.Farmers in drought stricken areas will be hanging out for the forecast rain this Easter weekend after months of looking out on parched pastures. There's now an 0800 number they can call for support… Read moreAudio
9:20 PM.A sawmill in North Canterbury produces hardwood timber products from eucalyptus trees. Owner John Fairweather, who was introduced to forestry as a teenager by his father, also grows several species at… Read moreAudio
9:30 PM.Bridget and Richard Neeson grow kiwifruit deep in a valley 40 minutes drive south of Taumarunui. The fruit gets plenty of winter chilling. Their crop is one of the last to be picked in New Zealand. Read moreAudio, Gallery