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Checkpoint for Friday 27 March 2020
'Keeping On' - an ode to Aotearoa in lockdown, by lyrical legend Sam Hunt
6:25 PM.Day two of New Zealand’s Covid-19 lockdown is nearly done and dusted.
Most of us have toed the line so far… most of us.
So as a special treat for our first weekend under the ‘stay home, stay… Read more Video, Audio
Covid-19 lockdown: Kids' learning, gym lessons go online
6:18 PM.It is day two of life in lockdown, and many will be trying to adjust to a new routine.
With no school, no work, no gym and no bars - it might feel like there's not much to fill your time.
But some… Read more Audio
Covid-19 lockdown: What can we do? What can't we do?
6:11 PM.As New Zealand goes into what marks our first weekend in lockdown, the Prime Minister has warned she does not want to see crowded Bondi Beach scenes like she saw in Australia last weekend.
… Read more Video, Audio
Covid-19 lockdown: The latest health figures
6:09 PM.One person is in critical condition in ICU as the number of Covid-19 cases rises to 368.
The Director General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield confirmed 85 cases on day two of the lockdown.
Of those… Read more Audio
Covid-19 lockdown: Look out for bears in windows as you walk
5:56 PM.If you are headed for a walk down round the block this week you may notice some furry little faces popping up in windows.
That is because a big nationwide teddy bear hunt is underway - albeit one… Read more Video, Audio
Covid-19 lockdown in Italy, Spain - latest details
5:50 PM.The message in Italy is that self-isolation may soon get easier.
It is estimated more than 2.5 billion people are now living under some form of stay at home order - but the measures differ from… Read more Audio
Covid-19 lockdown: Kiwis stuck in Peru hope to escape on Australian charter flight
5:46 PM.New Zealanders stuck in Peru are pinning their hopes of escape on commercial charter flights organised by an Australian travel company.
The Australian government has been working with Chimu… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Supermarket worker told to work or go unpaid
5:44 PM.Essential services workers who have underlying health conditions are being assured they can get special sick leave payments during the Covid-19 lockdown.
A supermarket worker with health conditions… Read more Audio
Evening business for 27 March 2020
5:40 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Covid-19: Why do fruit and vegetable prices seem so high?
5:38 PM.The supermarket panic-buying seems to have died down, and stores are reporting a return to some sense of calm after the lockdown began.
Prices have been high for many necessities as people… Read more Video, Audio
Covid-19: Concerns protective equipment is not reaching front lines
5:32 PM.Members of the public and possibly even healthworkers are raiding hospitals and ambulances for vital supplies of protective equipment needed to fight Covid-19.
While the Ministry of Health claims… Read more Audio
Covid-19: NZers hurry to get home as travel deadline looms
5:28 PM.New Zealanders only have a few more hours to fly home, as the extended time to fly domestically approaches its end.
The government extended the cut off for New Zealanders to fly until 11:59pm Friday… Read more Video, Audio
Stay home, stay local - Ardern's simple Covid-19 lockdown rule
5:20 PM.As people settle into a new way of life in their Covid-19 bubble it's clear not everyone is following the rules.
Under lockdown the government's message is clear - stay at home and if you leave your… Read more Audio
Social Development Minister discusses Covid-19 financial help
5:12 PM.Rogue businesses double dipping on wage subsidies has prompted the government to tweak the scheme and issue a stern warning: employers must pass on the subsidies in full to workers.
The scheme for… Read more Audio
Covid-19 lockdown Day Two: 368 total cases, one in ICU
5:09 PM.Day two of the lockdown has gone by smoothly, with most New Zealanders doing the right thing, and staying home.
As predicted, the number of cases has continued to rise, with 85 new cases, bringing… Read more Audio