One person is in critical condition in ICU as the number of Covid-19 cases rises to 368.
The Director General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield confirmed 85 cases on day two of the lockdown.
Of those two 'less stable' patients, one man in his 70s is in critical condition in Nelson Hospital's ICU.
He is on a ventilator, and has other significant health issues.
The other is in Wellington Hospital, still in a general ward - but has been described as being in a 'less than stable' condition.
Dr Bloomfield tried to address the many questions surrounding personal protection equipment - PPE - and its supply.
He continues to defend the amount New Zealand has in its stocks.
Dr Bloomfield says the Ministry is leaving no stone unturned, to ensure the supply of stocks to frontline essential workers.
He says the increase in cases has put pressure on the contact tracing system.
But they are hoping to get more people into that area of work as thousands of retired or non practicing healthcare workers offer their skills.
Dr Bloomfield has reminded New Zealanders, the better the compliance with level four, the easier it will be to manage any big peaks in cases and reduce the chance of overwhelming the health system.
He says even though the weekend might not feel any different, everyone is doing an important job - and for most of us, it's staying in our homes.