Arts on Sunday for Sunday 16 December 2012
12:43 Genée Ballet Competition
David McAllistair (right), the head judge of the Genée Ballet Competition which has been held for the first time in New Zealand.
12:48 Two well respected online sites devoted to critiquing the arts have lost their funding,
Creative New Zealand explains why two well respected online sites devoted to critiquing the arts - theatreview and EyeContact have both lost their funding, while theatreview's founder John Smythe explains what's at stake.
1:10 At The Movies
A look back at the year of New Zealand films, and a documentary about the Donald Trump.
1:31 Dawn Sanders dedication to Shakespeare
One of Shakespeare's greatest champions here in New Zealand, Dawn Sanders, is honoured for her dedication to the Bard and his plays.
Shakespeare's Globe New Zealand
Dawn Sanders at the awards ceremony.
1:41 2013 Auckland Triennial
Hou Hanru, the San Francisco-based curator of the 2013 Auckland Triennial is so impressed with some of our artists that he's going to share them with the world.
1:50 Street photographer Gabrielle McKone
Gabrielle McKone (right) has recorded what she's seen on her wanderings every day since August 2007 and put some of her favourites into a book she's called Catch My Eye.
Gallery: Photographs from Gabrielle McKone's book Catch My Eye
Photograph by Gabrielle McKone.
2:05 The Laugh Track
Filmmakers Mark Albison and Louis Sutherland.
Mark Albison and Louis Sutherland.
2:26 The Harmonica Guy
Christchurch-based musician David Thorpe (below) often tours as a multi-instrumentalist and one man band, but his greatest love affair has been with the humble harmonica.
2:36 Chapter & Verse
Jo Randerson brings us Tales from the Netherworld… and a name to remember, Kerry Donovan-Brown, who's won the 2012 Adam foundation Prize for Creative Writing.
2:50 Cardboard artist Richard Maloy
Australia is hosting Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art region right now. New Zealand cardboard artist Richard Maloy is just back from the opening where he is one of the four main stars of the show.
Gallery: Big Yellow 2012 Installation Process
Big Yellow 2012. Installation process.
3:05 The Drama Hour
Like a Moorish Trumpet by Vincent O'Sullivan. It's described as "a gentle satire about explorer and navigator Abel Tasman".