Arts on Sunday for Sunday 6 December 2009
12:40 Christchurch Art Gallery
The Christchurch Art Gallery, which has the least valuable art collection of all the main centres, gets a significant boost from the city council.
12:50 Arts For All: Ngā toi mo te katoa
Finally, a plan to make the arts more accessible to people with disabilities.
Download a pdf of Arts for All
1:00 Chaz Oldham
In lieu of At the Movies, we talk to the man behind a documentary of the much maligned and misunderstood art of Morris Dancing: Morris - With Bells On.
1:30 Museum 2.0
Nina Simon (right) is a designer with big ideas for our museums to make them more popular by making them more relevant.
1:40 2009 SOUNZ Community Commission
Composer Rosie Langabeer has been awarded a 2009 SOUNZ Community Commission - the 10th birthday of this project - to create music with The Wellington Most Famous Orchestra of Miraculous Delights.
Zirkus Bizurkus
1:50 Lucy begins a three part look at architecture around the country, hunting out well designed public spaces
Nikau palms and granite stools in Auckland's CBD
2:00 The Laugh Track
Playwright, actor, short story writer and occasional poet David Geary, ahead of his New Zealand International Arts Festival play premiere, talks about the genius of Mark Twain.
2:20 Catch your breath with vocal and breathing tutor, Jane Boston (below), who's coaching New Zealand drama students
2:30 Chapter and Verse
The 40th anniversary of the Katherine Mansfield Fellowship in Menton in the South of France….we talk to the just returned 40th fellow, Jenny Pattrick, and the 2002 fellow, poet Jenny Bornholdt.
2:50 Plyability
An exploration of furniture design using the not so humble plywood, ahead of an exhibition Plyability in Hawkes Bay.
Garth Chester's Curvesse Chair (1944), Duncan Sargent's coffee drawer (1999) and Tim Wigmore's hang up (2006)
3:00 The Sunday Drama
Four men try to make their way in the world after their release from prison in Ghana. They explore their many options, only to choose the one that might have surprised them all. That's The Prison Graduates.