1:20 School project building tiny houses in Taranaki

Forget maths, science or geography!

A Taranaki High School is breaking new ground with the latest addition to their curriciulum - students are taught how to build a tiny house!

Opunake High School's head of technology Michael Griggs is leading the Tiny Homes programme and speaks to Jesse.

Opunake High School build.

Opunake High School build. Photo: Opunake High School

Opunake High School tiny home project.

Opunake High School tiny home project. Photo: Opunake High School

1:30 Food co-op rolled out in Auckland to provide long-term food security

As the price of food continues to skyrocket, a new food co-op has launched in Auckland as a foodbank alternative.

The Kiwi Kai co-op is a Salvation Army initiative and aims to provide sustainable food solutions in Manurewa.

The Army's Manurewa Corps Officer Captain Stephen Molen explains to Jesse how it works.

Co-op members all gather once a week to pack the food boxes together in a warehouse next to the Clendon family store.

Co-op members all gather once a week to pack the food boxes together in a warehouse next to the Clendon family store. Photo: LDR / Justin Latif

1:40 Making South Auckland more accessible for wheelchair users

How accessible is South Auckland for wheelchair users?

Wheelchair-user Brooke Haverkort and buddy/carer Odette Jennings did an informal survey based on the places that Brooke visits most days.

They have created a resource they plan to present to Auckland Council and got in touch with us to share it. Odette talks to Jesse about their findings.

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Photo: 123RF

1:50 Hunter-led group recognised for work to protect whio

A hunter-led community project has been recogised for its work to protect the rare blue duck / whio in the Bay of Plenty.

The Eastern Whio Link has just won the Community Award at the New Zealand Biosecurity Awards.

The group's co-founder is Sam Gibson, AKA 'Sam the Trap Man,' abd he joins Jesse to tell him about the group's work.

The Eastern Whio Link traps stoats to protect the rare blue duck / whio.

The Eastern Whio Link traps stoats to protect the rare blue duck / whio. Photo: Eastern Whio Link / Sam Gibson

2:10 Film Review with Ali Ventura

Ali talks to Jesse about 'Fresh' on Disney right now and Everything Everywhere All At Once, which will be in cinemas from April 14.

2:20 Amanda Palmer 's Roundhead recording going viral - and confusing teenagers!

Accidental resident of Aotearoa, artist Amanda Palmer, has managed to get a song recorded at Roundhead studios with a local string quartet to go viral!

After being dared to she put together a version of a Disney song,  "Surface Pressure" then released it without any media or promotion on tiktok where it's managed to get an impressive 2 million views!

Amanda's talks to Jesse about the recording and why teenagers are confused by her performance.

Singer/songwriter Amanda Palmer at the Wellington show.

Singer/songwriter Amanda Palmer at the Wellington show. Photo: Twitter/ Amanda Palmer

2:30 NZ Live: The Silver Scrolls tribute

2021's postponed Apra Silver Scroll Awards were finally announced online last night, so for today's NZ Live we decided to play some previous winners recorded live by RNZ Music.

From September 2017, here in the RNZ Studios is Bic Runga with her beautiful 1996 Apra Silver Scroll winning song 'Drive'

Bic Runga at RNZ

Bic Runga at RNZ Photo: Luke McPike

3:08 One-Pan Herby Moroccan Chicken with Agrias & Garlic Yoghurt

Food stylist and chef Gretchen Lowe shares a recipe that is big on flavours and kind on whoever has to do the washing up.

She shares her recipe for One-pan Herby Moroccan Chicken with Agria Potatoes and Garlic Yoghurt, which is easy to make and big on flavour.

One-Pan Herby Moroccan Chicken with Agrias & Garlic Yoghurt

One-Pan Herby Moroccan Chicken with Agrias & Garlic Yoghurt Photo: Gretchen Lowe

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from midday talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

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Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Gardening with Lynda Hallinan

Today Lynda talks to Jesse about her habit, at this time of the year, of cutting and hanging huge bunches of end-of-season flowers and seedheads to dry.

She says while dried flower arrangements were all the rage back in the 1980s, they fell out of fashion, until now!

Lynda shares her tips for which flowers to dry and how to get the best results.

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Photo: pixabay

3:35 Critter of the Week Long-snouted pipefish

This week’s critter is a long skinny fish that looks like a ribbon of seaweed. It’s a weak swimmer and hangs out in seaweed meadows around the east coast of Aotearoa.

Ihe ihu roa / Long-snouted pipefish perform elaborate courtship dances with lots of wriggling and shaking and, like its relative the seahorse, the males carry the eggs and give birth.

Long-snouted pipefish

Long-snouted pipefish Photo: Alan Paterson, used with permission

3:45 The Panel with Jennie Moreton and Allan Blackman